Payments which are made by the group should be pro-rated across the repayment schedules of the individual members (GLIM)


Requirement #2: Payments which are made by the group should be pro-rated across the repayment schedules of the individual members.

Reason required: Information for clients. Clients often request statements that specify the amount of the loan that has been repaid, the amount outstanding, and how those amounts break down across the group members.

Priority: Major


1) Loan repayment is made, and details are entered into system for the group loan via the "Apply payment" function

2) Payment made to group is then applied pro-rata across the individual loan schedules for the group loan. Any shortfall of payments are applied pro-rata as well. Interest for late payment is shared equally across the group members, and not pro-rated.


Release Namemifos-v1.7.x-beta Commit Identifier874b78eb8759af0a248ae41ea3e7d5eba7f9724b Build DateTue Nov 02 08:55:39 PDT 2010





Lukasz Chudy June 14, 2012 at 3:06 PM

Verified on 14.06.2012
New feature has been implemented almost properly. However, there is an issue that interests for late payment are not shared equally across the group members. I created a new issue for that bug:

Build Date: Tue Jun 12 02:13:03 PDT 2012
Build Number: hudson-head-i-release-archive-3

Lukasz Chudy June 14, 2012 at 3:04 PM

Hi Ed,

I tested your scenario using these repro steps and everything seems to be working properly:

1. Create GLIM loan account for 3 clients (first client 8000, second client 2000 and third client 4000).
2. Approve and disburse this loan.
3. Apply one payment of 5000 and second one of 2000.
4. Recent activity section shows 5000 and 2000.
5. Check individual schedules for every client.

First client has paid 5 installments: 837 + 837 + 837 + 837 + 652 = 4000
Second client has paid 5 installments: 209 + 209 + 209 + 209 + 164 = 1000
Third client has paid 5 installments: 418 + 418 + 418 + 418 + 328 = 2000

Ed Cable June 14, 2012 at 7:00 AM

Lukasz - Did something change with the implementation of this feature since May 22? I ask because that was the day I was testing this out to determine what to document for the user manual.

See Issue# in which I site this account as example, 000100000000166. The two payments applied on 22/05/2012 are successfully prorated but they don't sum up to the full $7000 - they only sum up to $6710 - do you know why the $290 shortfall? I know that when I test this out on 22/05/2012 - all the payments added up to $7000.

Under recent activity you can see the two payments of $5000 and $2000 but when you add up the payments it only sums up to $6710.


Paweł Gesek May 18, 2012 at 8:04 AM

Added in commit c7d14d05ef993c26029448346bbd7b9f53cdec79

Ed Cable March 20, 2012 at 5:55 PM

Estimate provided by Jakub on March 17, 2012. Spec needed.






Implementation Priority




Original estimate

Time remaining

2d 6h


Fix versions

Affects versions


Created January 18, 2011 at 8:47 PM
Updated June 15, 2012 at 9:07 AM
Resolved May 18, 2012 at 8:04 AM