
Before each meeting we'll post a proposed agenda.  You can add any item you would like to cover to the agenda by emailing the user list or editing this wiki page. 






We will also have an introduction of everyone on the call so the community can get more personally connected.

Ed Cable

5 min


Each meeting, we'll do a demo of a feature or a tutorial of how to do a certain task within Mifos or how to use a tool or resource in the online community infrastructure. 

10 minutes

User Show and Tell

On a regular basis we want to have the opportunity for MFIs throughout the community to present their story or case study on how they're using Mifos. 

For this meeting, George Lteif from Al Majmoua will be sharing their experiences using Mifos. 

George Lteif

10 minutes

Open Office Hours

This is the heart of the meeting - the time for users to ask any questions and connect with expert implementers and fellow users to discuss deploying Mifos, using Mifos, adopting technology, project management - any question you have.


10 - 20 

Product Feedback

Each meeting, we want users to voice their pains/challenges with Mifos and how we can make the product better. Any bugs you've found, feature requests you've had, ideas to make the product better should be shared at this time. 

This is the chance for our developers to directly hear from the mouth of the users how they use the product and what they need to use it more effectively.

For this meeting we'll present results on the documentation survey and focus some discussion on how we can improve client protection mechanisms in Mifos. 


10 - 20 minutes

On the Call

On the Call


Live notes from


User Presentation - George Lteif - Al Majmoua


See the slides for full details, here are a few bullet points:

Why Mifos?

Old System - Poor synchronization & Slow reports

Mifos - Flexible user friendly

Implementing Mifos

Challenges and lessons learned


Working on for the Future

Discussion on George's Al Majmoua Presentation

Experiences from Aliyu in Nigeria

Documentation Survey Takeaways

Product Feedback