DEPRECATED - see Question Groups Functional Spec for the latest version of this.


This is the FS for new Question Groups feature.  This feature is available in Mifos 2.0 and beyond.

Add question

Questions can be added from either Add Question in Admin, or during creation of a Question Group.

Answer type: Free text

Any type of text can be entered as part of response for this type of question including special characters.

Answer type: Number

Answer type: Multi Select / Single Select

This answer type should be used for questions where you want the user to choose one choice or multiple choices for answers.

Answer type: Smart Select

This answer type can be used for questions where you might have categories, and you may want the user to have see answer choices and their tags when entering in answers.  For example, you may want to ask a client what their business activity is, and have categories of business activity.  Answer choices could be entered as Cow Purchase, Pig Purchase, etc.  A tag can be added to these answer choices as "Animal Husbandry".  Then, when the Loan Officer is entering the answer for this client's business activity, they can enter Animal Husbandry to see the detailed choices.

View Question

Edit Question

Add question Group

View Question Group

Edit Question Group

Associating question groups to "Create" workflows

Associating question groups to "View" workflows

Associating question group to Approve loan workflow

Activate question groups

Leila E allows MFIs with the feasibility of creating question groups using XMLs. As soon as the XMLs are saved in the folder in the format. The $MIFOS_CONF/uploads/questionGroups and $MIFOS_CONF points to the users’ Mifos configuration directory. The files are named as "PPISurvey<QuestionGroup_NAME>.xml" where [QuestionGroup_NAME] should be replaced with the question group name that the user wishes to activate.

Data migration for additional fields

Additional fields can be migrated by clicking on ‘Migrate Additional fields’ link on the ‘migrate data’ page. ‘Migrate data’ ‘page can be reached by clicking the ‘Migrate data’ link on the admin page. Clicking on ‘migrate additional fields’ triggers the additional field migration. The user is navigated to the admin page once the migration is complete.

Leila E deals with the migration of client, group and loan additional fields and their corresponding responses only.



Data migration for surveys and additional fields

Surveys are migrated on upgrade to Leila E

Leila E deals with the migration of surveys and responses belong to all workflows



If successful

If NOT successful