Mifos BI Release Checklist

Release Testing

This checklist is to track testing tasks that need to be executed prior to a MIFOS BI release.  These tests are manual processes (currently) that test the release candidate "package".


Test Package



Download Mifos BI zip package from e.g. for BI 1.1, Hudson. See below for testing on Sourceforge.



Inspect contents of zip package.

Zip file has proper version #?





View INSTALL, LICENSE, BUILD_ENV.txt, README files, use directions for installation and test any links mentioned in files



In ETL dir, check MifosDataWarehouseETL

check contents against previous version and repository


In reports dir, check for 5 dirs: CDFReportingTemplate, commonActions, dataAccess, i18n, and standardReports

Check contents against previous version and repository


Test deployment



Deploy reports and ETL following INSTALL directions



Test download of Sourceforge package



After completion of testing of release candidate on local instance, request developer to upload package and CHECKSUM file to Sourceforge.

Make sure default file to download is the new release


When mifos.org has been updated, check the download page links on http://mifos.org/product/download-mifos/business-intelligence-suite

Make sure version # is updated to proper number - e.g. 1.2


Download package and CHECKSUM file. Confirm CHECKSUM for both MD5 and Sha1 hashes. 



Check size of downloaded zip file, do diff of the zip vs. the zip that's previously been tested.



Expand downloaded file to ensure zip file isn't corrupted.