Self-Service Android Application Product Document

Target releasev0.01
Source Code
Project Status
Document status


Document owner
DevelopersRajan Maurya
QAEd Cable

Project Summary

Mifos released a full set of client-facing API’s to provide a direct control of data to the clients. Earlier there was bank facing API’s which utilized in the Mifos Community App app and Mifos Android Client as well. Mifos Android Client is helping the bank staff to access client’s data on the go but, clients were still bank dependent on doing any transaction or editing any personal information. With the help of new client-facing API’s, we are developing a Self-Service Android App so that clients have direct control over their data and they can perform basic operations such as transaction of money from one account to another on the go. They can apply for loan etc.




Not Implemented


  1. User Sign Up
  2. User Sign In / Login
  3. Home Screen
  4. User Details
  5. User Accounts List (Savings, Loan, Share)
  6. Savings Account Details 
  7. Loan Account Details
  8. Share Account Details (API not available)
  9. Loan Make Payment
  10. Own Account Transfers (Savings Make Transfer (DepositMake Transfer, Quick Transfer) )
  11. Recent Transactions 
  12. Savings Transactions 
  13. Loan Transactions
  14. New Loan Application
  15. Charges (This can be any type client, savings, loan)
  16. Beneficiary for Third Party Transfer
  17. Third Party Account Transfers
  18. Update Loan Application

User Sign Up

Github Issue: #56

Here are the mockups, provided by Denila Philip 

API Available 

Create User API:

User Stories: ........................

User Sign In / Login (Implementation Done)

Github Issue: #57

Implemented Mockup

User Stories: .........................

Home Screen (Implementation Done)

Github Issue: #244

Implemented Mockup

User Stories; ....................

User Details (Completed)

Github Issue: #64

No Mocks Present 

User Stories: ..................

User Account List (Savings, Loan, Share)

Github Issue: 

Implemented mockup

User Stories: ..........................

Savings Account Details

Github Issue: 

Implemented Mockup

User stories: ..................

Loan Account Details

Github Issue: 

Implemented Mockup

User Stories: .....................

Own Account Transfer (Savings Make Transfer (Deposit, Make, Quick Transfer))

Github Issue: 

Implemented mockup

User Stories: ............................

Recent Transactions 

Github Issue:

Implemented mockup

User Stories: ............................

Savings Transactions 

Github Issue:

Implemented Mockup

User Stories:.....................

Loan Transactions 

Github Issue:

Implemented Mockup

User Stories: ..................

Charges (Savings, Loan, Client)

Github issue:

Implemented Mockup

User Stories: This feature is implemented for the Client only. We need to refactor this feature and need to make the generic type of charge feature that can handle any charge. We need to pass the only type of charge only.

New Loan Application

Github Issue:

Implemented Mockup

User Stories:.......................