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Comment: JIRA Issue macro params updated with additional server info


Overview & ObjectivesThis project focuses on adding support for server side pagination and sorting to the MifosX platform and the reference user interface
  • Adding pagination and sorting capabilities to the REST API's exposed by the MifosX platform
    Jira Legacy
    serverMifos Atlassian JIRA
  • Update the reference User Interface to consume the same
    Jira Legacy
    serverMifos Atlassian JIRA
Helpful Skills Java (Spring, Jersey) , HTML and Javascript (JQuery)

Worldwide, there are multitudes of methodologies and delivery channels which deliver financial services to the poor. On the platform through the API, our community has the ability to build applications to allow Mifos to support new markets and scale more services to the poor in need.

For large financial institutions, it is imperative that server side pagination and sorting are supported so that they can build scalable applications on top of the Mifos X platform

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Jira Legacy
serverMifos Atlassian JIRA
Jira Legacy
serverMifos Atlassian JIRA

Multi-tenant Caching


Overview & ObjectivesEnable service level caching using a clustered caching framework to improve the performance of MifosX

MifosX is a multi-tenant application (a single MifosX instance can support multiple MFI's).We need to add tenant aware caching for common read operation in MifosX (preferably at the service level)

Note: For pure Read operations, Mifos X uses native SQL Queries with Spring's JDBC Template. JPA (the provider being Hibernate) is used for Create/Update operations

Helpful Skills Java (Spring) , SQL and MySQL
ImpactWhile the current codebase works well for smaller financial organizations, adding caching would greatly improve the performance of MifosX when working with the data sets of larger MFI's
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Jira Legacy
serverMifos Atlassian JIRA

Simplify Mifos X "Data Tables" functionality 


Overview & Objectives

MFI’s typically generate client-facing documents (whose format varies from MFI to MFI) from their MIS. These documents mostly include simple Client (Client registration documents) and Loan (Loan Contracts, Passbooks etc.) documents.

This project aims to enable non technical end users to create well formatted reports.


A Brief overview of the desired functionality is as follows:

1) a rich text editor on the Reference Client, which can be used by a user to create wysiwyg designs and upload them against various entities at different stages in their Life-cycle ( Ex: An "active" Client, A Loan "Pending disbursal" etc)
2) Expose a set of context sensitive keywords like ${clientName}, ${loanIdentifier} through the API, which he can add as placeholders in these documents.
Ex: An active Client could have a list of permissible keywords like "clientName","address","age","joining date" etc
An active Loan could have a list of permissible keywords like "disbursalDate", "amount", "principalRepaid", "interestRepaid", "lastRepaymentDate", "lastRepaymentAmount"
3) Java parser at the Server side or a Javascript parser at the client side would intelligently replace these placeholders with appropriate content and generate HTML reports

(Would also need API's to be exposed from the platform)

4) The next step would be to add in advanced controls like loops etc so that we can generate content like pass books with all repayments within a specified period etc

Refer Draft Specs for User Generated Documents for an initial approach for developing this functionality

Helpful SkillsJava (Spring, Jersey, JPA) and Javascript (JQuery)

One of the biggest challenges for non Technical users in Using Mifos (MifosX) would be in finding local specialists to help them in designing simple client facing reports and documents (like Loan Contracts etc). Often, small organizations would not be able to afford the services of specialists and would have to make do without any custom documents

This project would enable non Technical End users to create these simple reports using Context Sensitive placeholders and Rich Text Editors, thereby drastically increasing the usability of MifosX.

Other Resources

Draft Specs for User Generated Documents

Jira Legacy
serverMifos Atlassian JIRA

Create Data Import Tool for Mifos X


Overview & Objectives

Create a tool for importing the following data into Mifos X using existing REST API's exposed by the platform 

  • Client Details
  • Client Loan and Saving account details
  • Client Fee Details
  • Client repayment History

Bonus: Center / Group details and Personnel Details


One of the biggest challenges of implementing and using an information system for microfinance is getting data in efficiently. This project would lead the creation of excel or csv-based data import tools for both migration initial data into Mifos as well as bulk imports of data on an ongoing basis such as new clients, new loans, bulk transactional data, etc.

This tool would also help facilitate the migrations from our current software, Mifos 2.6, to our next generation platform, Mifos X.


Jira Legacy
serverMifos Atlassian JIRA
for additional details

Helpful SkillsJava (Spring), Excel

Efficiency and lowering operational costs is a critical factor in bringing effective financial inclusion to the poor. Migrating in historical data quickly is important to quick adoption of an information system.

Day to day, MFIs could save time by being being able import and edit clients and transactions in bulk. Secondly, this tool will also address connectivity issues as MFIs often input transactions into spreadsheets and then need to import these in. MFIs also often interact with other systems and payment networks and this tool with ease the ability to get that data in cleanly and quickly into Mifos X.

Other Resources

Jira Legacy
serverMifos Atlassian JIRA

Business Analytics (OLAP) (refresh)
