- More than one questions can be added at a time
- While adding a new question, a user can enter a question title and can set the corresponding answer type.
- Answer types can be free text, date, number, single select, multi select, smart select.
- Preview of added questions is visible on the same page upon clicking “Add Question”.
- The preview of the question contains the following question title, answer type, choices and the remove link.
- The limit for the number of characters in the question title is 50 on the UI and 200 for the database and UI.
- Answer choices can be added for single select/ multi select/ smart select
- Each answer choice added can be removed
- Validation messages are displayed at the top of the page in red
- On submitting the question, the user is taken to the admin page
- Adding a question without specifying the question title gives an error message in red on the page top asking the user to specify the question title.
- The user is prompted with a validation message if any of the following mandatory fields are not filled before submission: Title, Applies To.
- In the case of single select/ multi select/ smart select, if the user tries to add a question without entering more than one choice of answer, the user is prompted by a validation message.