- in bi/ppiparser run parseall.sh (this will regenerate generated/testData/*.properties files
- initialize a clean Mifos database with base etl test data
echo "drop database mifos_ppi_test" | mysql -u root
echo "create database mifos_ppi_test" | mysql -u root
mysql -u root mifos_ppi_test <
- copy all question group XML files to MIFOS_CONF/uploads/questionGroups
cp $PPI_BASE/ppiparser/generated/questionGroups/* ~/.mifos/uploads/questionGroups
- run PPITestDataGenerator from inside Eclipse with an arg pointing to the test data dir (e.g. -a /home/van/reportingWorkspace/bi/ppiparser/generated/testData) and an arg for the client to use (e.g. -i 0003-000000006)
- save the resulting Mifos database (with completed ppi surveys)
mysqldump -u root mifos_ppi_test > bi/
- run the etl (bi/ppi_build.sh) to populate with DW with PPI survey scores
ppi_build.sh mifos_ppi_test mifos_ppi_test_dw ~/pentaho/data-integration/ '-u root'
- now PPITest.groovy can be run