Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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would make sense (as long as all of them are within the same branch)


Questions (Blocker in the same branch):

What happens if the fund source for two products are different? Then what Is we are doing currently is more appropriate!?

Ex: For scenario 1)

Loan is mapped to a Bank Account and Savings is mapped to Cash. If I disburse a loan to savings, I would have to should Ideally show that my Bank account has being decreased (which the shown transaction transactions would not do)

Also, such concerns may be purely developer issues and not a valid use case. ? Can somebody please have a look at the suggested consolidated postings and comment?


Technical Changes are quite straightforward: 

In GL_journal entryApproach 1 ] Link journal entries to the account Transaction (in m_account_transfer_transaction)

entity_type_enum = 3 (Account Transfer)
what is would the entity Id be? = Need to have a re-look
transaction_id = link to m_account_transfer_transaction ( Here add a new convenience label a "m_account_transfer_transaction tables id" )
account_transfer_transaction_id foreign key

 ( Is Payment details to account transfer (needs to be passed from the account on which the transaction was made) = Need to have a relookre-look


Approach 2] Created Unbalanced Journal entries for the actual Loan and savings Transaction

Ex, for Scenario 1, create a debit for the Loan Transaction and a debit for the savings transaction?