Versions Compared


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  1. common
  2. domain-dto
  3. testFramework
  4. serviceInterfaces
  5. userInterfacesuserInterface
  6. accounting
  7. questionnaire
  8. cashflow
  9. abstract-domain
  10. organization
  11. appdomain
  12. application


  • project dependencies: NONE
  • produces a JAR file 
  • should contain cross functional infrastructure utilities
    • That said, can become a bit of a bucket, throw it in common so module x and y will have access to it....
    • could probably be split up further, common-date, common-infrastructure etc


  • project dependencies: NONE
  • produces a JAR file
  • should contain DTO classes that referenced in domain entitiy classes
    • e.g. didn't want organisaztion module depending on serviceInterfaces module (where all dtos are currently)


  • project dependencies: common
  • produces a JAR file


  • project dependencies: common, domain-dto
  • produces a JAR file
  • contains interface definitions of all/most service facades (application services) and DTO classes used in service facade signature.
  • Key point is that there is no knowledge of any domain concepts
  • Introduce as architectural check to ensure now domain concepts leaking into inteface of services and as such leaking into UI.

QUESTION from Vivek: not used anymore? if not then what would it have?

Answer from Keith: At present, this is very much used.


  • project dependencies: common, serviceInterfaces
  • produces a JAR file
  • contains freemarker and spring mvc/spring webflow controllers and related UI beans used in user interface
  • Key point is that there is no knowledge of any domain concepts and interacts only with layer below serviceInterfaces (service facades or application services)


  • project dependencies: common
  • produces a JAR file
  • Let Udai describe this in more detail


  • project dependencies: serviceInterfaces (but only to reference questionnaire specific DTOs)
  • produces a JAR file


  • project dependencies: common, serviceInterfaces (but only to reference questionnaire specific DTOs)
  • produces a JAR file


  • project dependencies: common, domain-dto
  • produces a JAR file
  • Purpose is really for core domain abstractions that other modules classes depend on

QUESTION from Vivek: it has country, language etc. given that it shouldn't be called abstract-domain. these are reference and configuration data. It also contains cross module domain related things, which seems to be fine.

Answer from Keith: yes your right at present it has classes that are not really 'abstract' concepts and yes some of these are 'reference-data' or 'master-data' classes which can be pulled out into another module called 'reference-data' or whatever. I just didn't go that far in this piece of work.


  • project dependencies: common, domain-dto, abstract-domain
  • produces a JAR file
  • at present contains organization related domain entities, holiday, office, personnel (not their DAOs or domain services etc)


  • project dependencies: all projects except for application
  • produces a JAR file

QUESTION from Vivek: only service facades?

Answer from Keith: no, this is purely a slightly less monolithic module than the previous 'application' one and at present should contain everything needed to implement service interfaces through code in this module or through required dependencies on other modules


  • project dependencies: all projects
  • produces a WAR file

QUESTION from Vivek: not used anymore? if not then what would it have?

Answer from Keith: Its used in that this is still reponsible for creating the WAR file for deployment. It contains all code not needed for service interfaces to be implemented which mostly means legacy struts/ui related code. Once the UI is completely re-written to freemarker/spring mvc/webflow, this module will be very bare and we can concentrate on removing it and having another module responsible for building the deployment artifact.