display name | trained | trained_date | created_date | created_by | mfijoining_date | customer_activation_date |
VAL B-211 | YES | 30-11-2010 | 19-01-2011 | 1 | 06-12Dec-20101 2010 | 06-12Dec-20101 2010 |
In the customer schedule table, ten customer schedules are created starting from 06-12Dec-20101 2010 ending 14-02Feb-2011.
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At present, only ten customer schedules are created when customer is activated and each night a batch job checks to see if more should be added. If the activation date is further than 10 of meeting periods away from today then there won't be a customer schedule existing for a meeting that should occur today or in the future until a batch job runs after midnight. So we should also check to see if customer activation date is in past and if so, create customer schedules from that date up to todays date, and then also create the 10 extra customer schedules for future meeting dates. |