On the Call
Keith W (Ireland)
Binny , Binny (India)
Krishnan , Krishnan (India
Craig , Craig (US)
Ed , Ed (US)
Jakub (Poland)
Krystian , Krystian (Poland)
Ryan , Ryan (US)
Udai , Udai (India)
Ed , Ed (Manila)
Van , Van (US)
Action Items:
Divide into sub-teams and identify leads for each sub-team (Ed/Keith)Tasklist * *Divide into sub-teams and identify leads for each sub-team (Ed/Keith)* * *Reporting, Accounting, Offline/Mobile, Installation/Hosting, Product (general), Product Management (general)* * *Email from each sub-team to go out to lists --> Additional discovery --> larger group back together to form rough roadmap/release plan. * *Turn this meeting into results: figure out the processes and communication channels to execute on these (Binny/Ryan/Ed)* * *Share progress/deliverables from MostFit that are relevant to Mifos community (Krishnan)* *
- Reporting, Accounting, Offline/Mobile, Installation/Hosting, Product (general), Product Management (general)
- Email from each sub-team to go out to lists > Additional discovery --> larger group back together to form rough roadmap/release plan.
- Turn this meeting into results: figure out the processes and communication channels to execute on these (Binny/Ryan/Ed)
- Share progress/deliverables from MostFit that are relevant to Mifos community (Krishnan)
pulled from: http://willyou.typewith.me/p/mifos-product-10-27-2011
RW: ACTION - We should identify people to lead the sub-groups
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Offline Collection Sheet:
- RW: still a need for offline data manipulation
- Udai: looked at simple MFI for sync between mobile and MIS
- Udai: offline collection sheet will function differently than on mifos?
- Need to keep data structure at the client side - how much can you avoid having to redo data structure on the client side.
Offline collection sheet will be much different than online one with Mifos - capturing data and then some cases with validation.
Best bet is to use HTML5 - most browsers are allowing, mobiles are capable of HTML5 storage.
Problem is not about user interface.
Problem is about specking out business rules and what client that data wants - Mifos data model is much more complex than what Simple MFI supports. hierarchical JSON model to capture but with validation it becomes more complicated.
- RW: Should spec out what are the needs for offline collection/account management
- EC: we should also review again what Conflux built: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/mifosdeveloper/oNYjpGFp_LQ/discussion
- RW: Need to think of appropriate technology - smartphones good for future, but many field staff using feature phones. should address branch offline solution first.
- RW: I should add on a comment, I'm thinking of Africa and Asia - The situation with smartphones might be different in Eastern Europe and Latin America - this may be worth looking into
- KM: Request for use of offline module is more from locations to operate when they don't have reliable power and connectivity, rather than for use on a mobile basis from the field.
- KM: willing to offer the offline app that we at Mostfit have developed for use with Mifos if the API can be made compatible
- KM (to Udai and others): will share experience on how much of the domain model needs to be replicated in the offline app for sane and effective usage
-RW: Might be worth talking to FrontlineSMS for integration options. EC: Michael V is working on that and is connected with FrontlineSMS devs too.
Credit Bureaus
- RW: Good area to research. lots of talk but not much action happening yet. would be good for us to be ahead of curve for integration.
- KM: Heard that GK's installation is now capable of talking with the HiMark credit bureau in India. Becoming mandatory for MFIN network to be credit bureau members.
Consolidated reporting and also decision engine to send all loans pending approval to credit bureau.
- EC: Philippines also a good amount of movement towards credit bureaus but not sure how much action yet.
- EC: Also interest in credit scoring modules to enable more innovation around individual products and mobile products