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Comment: Weekly Checkin Update





  • Discuss  progress of projects and identify any blockers


  • What did you accomplish this past week?
    • Newly added features:
      • Task Pool & use-case factory to execute multiple use-cases in one go.
      • Clients can send money via mobile number.
      • Fetch and show transactions between two clients.
      • FCM notification back-end in mifos-pay (partially done, UI and server-side code remaining)

      • Registration UI.
    • Fixes:
      • Better UX with toasts/snackbar to show task errors.
      • Removed all the hard-coded strings/texts from core and mifospay module.
      • Send money fix.
      • Design UI fixed (overlapping views).
    • Testing- Tested some of the use-cases.
  • What will you do this upcoming week?
    • FCM UI and Backend
    • Looking forward to work on UPI SDK
    • Registration backend.
  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
    • Lack of API calls.
  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 
    • Would like to get an update on UPI SDK.

Abhay Chawla

  • What did you accomplish this past week?
    • Decision on using Angular Material as the main UI framework for the new web app.
    • Iterated over various themes for the new app shell using angular material and angular flex layout.
    • Designed the new app shell. (side navigation, toolbar navigation, app content)
    • Currently working on configuration of the web app with angular material so that the new app shell can be integrated.
  • What will you do this upcoming week?
    • Complete integration of angular material and app shell.
    • Integrate a component to generate breadcrumbs easily.
    • Integrate the loader and implement lazy loading.
    • Work on app configuration of the web app. (theme, language, UI for other configuration)
    • Redesign the user management UI for self service.
  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
    • No obstacles for this week, though I too will require some APIs for self service and app configuration and would like to discuss about the same later.
  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 
    • Regular discussions are going on to ensure cleaner code.
    • Reply from anyone associated with android app to establish final requirements for android app configuration. (self service)

Ankit Raj Ojha

  • What did you accomplish this past week?
    • Worked on the UI for the survey user interface. Changed the UI questions from each question per page to all the questions in single page so, that the user does not have to click next again and again for each question.
    • Disucssed about the graphs on dashboard.
    • Compiled a sheet for the needed APIs in the self-service and which of them are already present in community app.
  • What will you do this upcoming week?
    • I will complete the UI for the survey user interface.
    • Add graphs on dashboard.
  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
    •  APIs for self-service.
  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Aksh Gautam

  • What did you accomplish this past week?
    • Worked on enhancements of collection sheet.Changed the entire UI flow of collection sheet from single fragment to 3 fragment layout. Completed 2/3 fragments.
  • What will you do this upcoming week?
    • To complete the remaining fragment work and proceed with next task.Would send the PR for the enhancements in the start of coming week as soon as I get in touch with my mentors.
  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
    • Need some suggestion from mentor about the implementation of the 3rd fragment.No blockage as such but I need to discuss about the implementation of 3rd fragment of UI mockup in order to finish the task ASAP.
  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 
    • Yes,anytime.

Anwesh Krishna Nayak

  • What did you accomplish this past week?
    • We finalised our decision to move ahead with Material angular and flex, so spent most of the time being familiar with the new tools and frameworks
    • Had discussion with Santosh regarding the UI and how to improve
  • What will you do this upcoming week?
    • Santosh will assign me tickets and I will start working as well on clients page
  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 


  • What did you accomplish this past week?
    • Implemented base for database first approach
    • Implemented the database first approach using the base for customer list and customer details
  • What will you do this upcoming week?
    • Designing logic for caching records and showing the latest data even if the cached data is not updated on the server. 
    • Implementing the above logic for customer creation.
  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 


    • What did you accomplish this past week?
      • Completed Unit and Integration Testing (by tonight)Added Survey using Fake Response Layer
      • Learn Kotlin
      • Started to convert Model Classes to Data Classes in Kotlin
    • What will you do this upcoming week?
      • Have to ask mentor, on what to do next
      • Will solve some issues on design
      • not been assigned by my mentor
    • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
      • API'sNo use-case to work
    • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 
      • Yeah, anytime


  • What did you accomplish this past week?
    • Consume endpoint for login authentication and fetch employees
  • What will you do this upcoming week?
    • Consume endpoints for edit, delete and create employees and customers
  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
    • I currently have package dependency problems 
  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 
    • Not yet

Kumaranath Fernando

  • What did you accomplish this past week?
  • What will you do this upcoming week?
  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 


  • What did you accomplish this past week?
    • Start trying local deployment of Fineract on my local machine
    • Test the connection with public server. 
  • What will you do this upcoming week?
    • Explore the Fineract API and use Postman to test it. 
  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 


    • What did you accomplish this past week?
      • Configure database nettwork configuration
      • Debug Error thrown when fineract tries to communicate to ActiveMQ and Eureka
    • What will you do this upcoming week?
      • Refactor network configuration and bring to the docker compose level
      • Add health checks for external tools (Cassandra, MariaDB, Active MQ and Eureka)
    • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
      • No
    • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 
      • No

Sanyam Goel

  • What did you accomplish this past week?
  • What will you do this upcoming week?
  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 


  • What did you accomplish this past week?
    • Configured ActiveMQ and Connection Factory for the Notification Service
    • Configured Jms Listener Containers
    • Created an a mapper for the SMS Configurations repositories
    • Created the repositories for the Configuration
    • Signed the ICLA and moved the code from personal repository to Apache Account
    • Fixed a bug in my configuration class
  • What will you do this upcoming week?
    • Complete all the events associated with the customer service
    • Complete the repositories associated with repository, mappers and entities for SMS configurations.
    • Redesign the wireframes for fims web app 
  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
    • Finding the customer.
  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 
    • Yes. tips on how to debug the build

Ruphine Kengne

  • What did you accomplish this past week?
    • Implemented the UI for Group Definition
    • Consuming the endpoint successfully from the UI (POST and GET request made successfully to the backend)
    • Resolve the issues I was facing with some UI displays like on  the Close group and meeting details UI
  • What will you do this upcoming week?
    • Update Group Definition endpoint has not been implemented in the Backend, So am thinking of implementing that and consuming it
    • Consume endpoints for Group (POST, GET, UPDATE) from the UI
  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
    • No
  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 
    • yes

Manish Kumar

  • What did you accomplish this past week?
    • Finished my work on apply for loan feature
    • Added fake database layer for same and sent PR
  • What will you do this upcoming week?
    • Explore Finceract-Cn-API for more use case 
    • Work on the new use case as directed by Rajan
  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
    • No use case assigned now 
  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 
    • Yes sure

Mohak Puri

  1. What did you accomplish this past week?
    • Sent mentor possible features list
    • finish with image compression feature
    • finish with search customer feature
  2. What will you do this upcoming week?
    • Need to discuss with mentor
  3. What obstacles are impeding your progress?
  4. Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 

Lalit Sanagavarapu

  • What did you accomplish this past week?
    • Interactions with Mentors on the approach.
    • Shortlisted H2O for exploration and this will continue over the weekend.
    • Also, set-up of Mifos based on available Jira documentation
  • What will you do this upcoming week?
    • Finalize the ML approach based on the findings on H2O and inputs from mentors
    • Start working on the next steps that could include creating synthetic dataset and trying H2O
  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
    • None, Having dataset would expedite the process
  • Would you like help from some mentor for this task? 
    • Review of the approach and decision on next steps

Cajetan Rodrigues

  • What did you accomplish this past week?
    • Discussed with mentors about the approach and changes needed.
    • Tested REST APIS in postman.
    • Reviewing design practices.
    • Learnt Angular best practices.
  • What will you do this upcoming week?
    • Will work on the changes proposed
    • compile a list of rest apis needed to incorporate inside the banking app
  • What obstacles are impeding your progress?
    • None, having an updated documentation would be of  great help.
    • Also having a search feature would be faster than going through individual drop downs.

Action items
