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Import project into IntelliJ IDEA

  1. Open command prompt / terminal.
  2. Go to folder fineract-provider.
  3. Import as Gradle project

Ensure your project's JVM SDK is 1.8. Note: To enable incremental compile like in Eclipse (File -> Settings -> Compiler(on the left pane) -> Select the "Make Project Automatically option")


On this page:



  • Install Java >= 1.8. Oracle JVMs have been tested.
  • Install MySQL 5.5. The default user is "root" and Password is "mysql".
  • Install npm and ruby.
  • Install bower and grunt using npm install -g bower and npm install -g grunt-cli

Clone Repositories

  1. Clone the Fineract 1.x repository
  2. Clone the Community-app

You can decide to fork the repositories before you clone.

Build and Run Fineract

To build Fineract, cd into fineract/fineract-provider folder and run the following command.

  1. ./gradlew createDB -PdbName=fineract_tenants
  2. ./gradlew createDB -PdbName=fineract_default

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You should have a Build Success, then use ./gradlew tomcatRunWAR to run fineract and ensure that you see Started Tomcat Server.

The Server is running at http://localhost:8080/fineract-provider

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Build and Run Community-app

To build community-app, cd to the project root folder (community-app) and run the following command to pull the runtime and build-time dependencies.

  1. bower install
  2. npm install
  3. gem install bundler
  4. bundle install

Then finally use grunt serve to run the project.

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Login to the App

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  • Use "mifos" as Username and "password" as Password to login.
  • If you get an error while trying to login, open a new tab and type this chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost and make sure the flag is Enabled.

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Importing Fineract 1.x in IntelliJ

  1. Launch IntelliJ IDEA, and click on import project.
  2. Navigate to fineract-provider folder and hit OK.
  3. Import project as Gradle and hit Finish.

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OPTIONAL: Apply Project preferences to IDEA

Go to File -> Settings -> Plugins(on the left pane) -> Install JetBrains Plugin -> Eclipse Code Formatter. See full documentation ->

If the above plugin is not listed, it can be downloaded manually from and installed from disk.

Go to File -> Settings -> Eclipse Code Formatter -> Select the "Use Eclipse Code Formatter" option and import the "Eclipse Java Formatter Config File" from MifosX Eclipse Preferences (Use ctrl + alt + l to format your code)

Run/Debug Mifos X

Run/Debug as Java application ServerWithMariaDB4jApplication to launch Mifos X with an embedded database (Separate installation of MySQL is not required) OR if you have installed MySQL in the previous step, run/debug ServerApplication as a Java application.

The easiest way to run your IDE in developement mode is to add a right at the root mifosng-provider folder. The content should be:

Code Block

Run Configuration

Create a new Run/Debug Configuration:

Remove 'Make' form 'Before Launch' by selecting the value and push '-'

Add a new 'Before Launch' entry '+' and select 'Gradle task'.

'-Penv=dev' is doing the trick by setting a Gradle project property that will include all needed classes and libraries to run in a development environment. ( Flag not used anymore)

Idea Shortcuts