The community has many various areas of both product and community development to work on. We must unite and bring together connected areas of interest so we can effectively work together as a community. Breaking into teams will help make the work more manageable and together we can work towards our greater vision. These teams will also provide a structured means for new contributors to join and start participating. Since each team member can pursue their most passionate interest, they'll have a deeper sense of belonging and accountability which will make their level of participation in the community grow.
Current Goals of Team Pages:
- Make it easy for people to see who is on what team.
- Make it easy for people to know what the goal/mandate of each team
- Make it easy for people to request joining that team.
- Make sure it's easy for people to post an item for discussion on that team.
- Provide quick status updates on what each team is working on.
Future Goals:
- Provide tools for direct communications (mailing lists) once they've grown.
- Provide mechanism for these teams to share their internal posts
- Linkage with calendar about when these teams are meeting.
- Create some structured means of reporting back from each team.