Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun


Jetty 7

Mifos requires Tomcat Jetty 7.x. Download Tomcat Jetty tarball from (look under Downloads → Binary distributions → Core) jetty and unpack it. In the instructions that follow, we'll assume you unpacked Tomcat Jetty to $HOME/tomcat7jetty7. If you've put it somewhere else, adjust accordingly.

If using extended characters, be sure server configuration includes URIEncoding="}}UTF-8 8{{" in the Connector definition.


No Format
cd $HOME/mifostrunk/mifos
cp target/mifos_webapp.war $HOME/tomcat6jetty7/webapps/mifos.war

Start Mifos

Set up environment variables for TomcatJetty:

No Format
cat >> ~/.bashrc
export CATALINAJETTY_HOME=$HOME/tomcat6jetty7
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun
export JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"

Hit CTRL-D to stop writing to .bashrc, then logout/login or source your ~/.bashrc file as follows:


If this is a production system, be sure to thoroughly read Configuring Mifos. Some configuration must be performed before starting your Mifos instance for the first time.

Now we're ready to start TomcatJetty. Execute the following:

No Format
cd /tmp
$HOME/tomcat6jetty7/bin/ start

Visit http://localhost:8080/mifos/ in a browser to use Mifos. (username: "mifos", password: "testmifos").


If you're seeing time-related failures in the unit tests, you may need to alter your timezone. See this post for details.

Tomcat cd to /tmp

In the last step of the quick start guide, you may notice that we actually change to the /tmp directory before starting Tomcat. This is because (currently) the Mifos log writer is somewhat broken and writes a logfile to the current directory. Changing to /tmp avoids cluttering up other directories. Also, in Ubuntu, /tmp is automatically cleaned up on reboot.


If your machine has a firewall, you need to at least unblock the ports necessary to connect to your Web server. For TomcatJetty, the default port for serving HTTP traffic is 8080.
