| |
Enter the mariadb folder cd ./mifosplatform-24.04.30.RELEASE/docker/mifosx-postgresql | |
once in the path and in the folder, we raise the docker compose containers with the command, docker compose pull && docker compose down && docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f | |
Validate that containers are lifted correctly: | |
Validate that Mifos X Release 24.04 is up and running entering the following url http://localhostin a Web Browser | |
Sign in with the default credentials: User: mifos Password: password Enjoy and give us feedback.
If you require some help please contact us. These are the channels available to get in contact: https://mifos.org/resources/community/communications/ Please include screens, logs (use a paste tool like https://privatebin.net/ ), description of the issue with all the details that you can share. Please be careful and avoid to include sensitive data. Remember that these installation instructions are for a quick way to get the Mifos X Platform up and running very quickly. You have to protect the sensitive data in motion/rest, secrets, connections, credentials, etc. based on your local requirements. |