Test SubTasks

What are subtasks?

Jira has a feature called "subtasks" which all for a 1 to many relationship on a parent issue.  For our testing purposes, we use the Test Case as the parent issue.  This is where we have the test description, etc.  We create subtasks to record test results for a specific test iteration. 

How to create a subtask

1. Open a test case, e.g. http://mifosforge.jira.com/browse/MIFOSTEST-149.

2. On the bottom of the test case form, you see a subheading "Add Sub-Task".

3. Enter summary - can be anything, I put the release - e.g. 1.7.   Also select assignee using "Assign to Me" link.

4. Add button. You will now see the subtask on the bottom of the test case page. 

5. Unfortunately, I don't have a way to add "Affects version" to the add page.  So you have to options - one is edit the subtask and add that later when you are marking pass/fail; or do search/update using bulk update.  If you don't know how to do a bulk update in jira, here is instructions - http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Modifying+Multiple+('Bulk')+Issues

6. After you have performed your test, mark the subtask with Pass or Fail.  If you have Fail test cases, you should have one or more bugs reported against that issue.  If the triage team decides we can "defer" that issue and still ship, we may later change the test case status to "Fail Defer".

To mark pass or fail, you can either:

a. hover over the subtask and click on the "gear" on the right margin, and you will see a drop down with actions for the subtask.

b. click on the subtask and you are now on the details page for the subtask.  Update task using buttons on top.   (Fail action is under Workflow button)

Once you have created the task, if subtask is assigned to version 1.7 - TC1, it should show up on the "1.7 TC1 Test Cases Subtasks" statistics of the test case dashboard - http://mifosforge.jira.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10070