Mifos X can now be installed on Debian or Ubuntu without needing to install a bunch of dependent software and run a slew of commands. The Mifos X Debian package provides an automated method to install Mifos X handling all the different steps involved so that you don't need a Linux expert to install Mifos X - just one package which takes care of everything.

On Ubuntu
Step 1 - Add the Mifos X Debian Repository

$ echo deb http://mifos.sanjosesolutions.in stable main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mifosx.list

$ sudo apt-get update

Step 2 - Install Mifos X

 $ sudo apt-get install mifosx

On Debian

Step 1 - Add the Mifos X Debian Repository

echo deb http://mifos.sanjosesolutions.in stable main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mifosx.list

 # apt-get update

Step 2 - Install Mifos X

# apt-get install mifosx

Common Steps

Once the above 2 steps are done, the installer takes care of the rest. It asks a few questions required to install and setup Mifos X. You'll need to have the MySQL database root password ready and also the settings for creating SSL certificate. The package automatically does all the steps required. A complete installation screencast is available in the YouTube video link below: