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Document ownerHamilton Ansley
DesignerLead designer
DevelopersLead developer
QALead tester

Sponsor portal for donors and investors


Feature Summary

Background and strategic fit

Feature Requirements

Requirements/User Stories

In this section provide as much detail as possible about the business processes and user stories the new feature would support as well as step-by-step instructions for how it would be used. When writing the step-by-step instructions you should consider all the different scenarios a user might encounter in working with the new feature. Typically these scenarios are broken down into two types. - primary and alternate flows.

First focus on documenting the primary flows - these are the most common ways a user would interact with a feature. 

Keep each user story concise and simple i.e. As a <type of user>, I want <some goal> so that <some reason>. These can broken down further into smaller more detailed user stories. Please see these resources for tips on writing good user stories

#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes

Sponsor accounts showing group/individual loans with funding history

As a communications specialist, I need access to the system to see the different donations and account movement of the sponsor. The access should be accessible as an administrator, but should also include a view that displays the information as the donor sees it

Must Have 

Tabular reports on fund history

As a communications specialist, I need access to tabular reporting of the loans funded by donors/investors in order to prepare summaries to share with donors/investors.

Must Have 

Consolidated reports on all donors/investors

As a communications specialist (or finance officer), I quick access to summary information on donors/investors both for reporting and for knowing the available amounts in the various funds from which we can disburse loans.

Must Have 

Access to client information

As an donor/investor, I would like know details about the individuals who are being funded from my donation/loan in order to track the stewardship of the funds and reduce the perceived distance from the end beneficiaries.

Nice to Have 

Business Rules

Any preconditions before a client can use the new functionality

Any rules to be applied for a client or user when using this functionality


List of attributes to be captured for the new functionality


Security and Permissions

List of security areas to be considered and permissions to be added/considered for a user/role to have access to this functionality 

Mifos Functionality Enhancements

New Screens

List of new screens required

Changes to Existing Screens

List of existing screens that need any kind of changes

Changes/Enhancements to Batch Jobs

Functional changes to Batch jobs that may be needed - along with suggested frequency at which it should be run for various scenarios

Changes/Enhancements to Accounting Entries

With sample accounting entries with dates

User interaction and design

Include any mockups, diagrams or visual designs relating to these requirements.

Exception Handling

List of error scenarios and the action - if message is to be displayed, then text of the message.


List of changes/enhancements/new reports to support this functionality


From a functional perspective, list of new APIs needed.

From a functional perspective, list of existing APIs that need changes.


Points to be handled during upgrades

Any reference data that needs to be prepopulated or defaulted for clients/users


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:


Is the current Client Impact Portal sufficient to meet our requirements? Is it easy to customize?

Do the funds displayed in the Client Impact Portal map to the fund feature in the Mifos X user interface (from which loans can be disbursed, etc.)?pending...

Out of Scope