A guide for installing Mifos Business Intelligence Suite 1.2 on a Windows machine.

This guide assumes:

  1. No previous mifos BI installation
  2. The mifos database is called 'mifos'
  3. mysql is using port 3306
  4. Running Mifos 2.0 or higher. 

The installation process will create a data warehouse database called 'mifos_dw'.  It will also create databases quartz, hibernate and sampledata for pentaho use.

Please refer to Installing Mifos BI 1.2 for instructions on installing on a Linux server.  

Software Requirements

These are the required software for Mifos BI 1.2 (they are the same as required by the Mifos application itself)


mifosbi_mysql_scripts.bat MYSQLUSERNAME PASSWORD

if you don't use a password with root you will need to edit the mifosbi_mysql_scripts.bat and remove all the occurrences of -p%2

If you run into issues running Mifos and Pentaho simultaneously, it's because of their port numbers. Mifos by default runs on port 8080. This is where Pentaho will try to run as well. To run both applications simultaneously, you need to change the port Pentaho runs on to 8086. Follow these steps to change the port for Pentaho.

Running Mifos BI

(A tomcat window will pop up - it will be successfully running when you see the following)


Scheduling ETL Job

The instructions below are for Windows Task Scheduler (Windows XP/Windows 2003)


For more on using Windows Task Scheduler, see http://www.iopus.com/guides/winscheduler.htm.