Mifos Versions

Important Notes

Known Issues

ISSUE: Surveys to Question Group data Migration issue


ISSUE: Upgrading to 2.x logs contain error OR after upgrade to 2.x enabling PPI gives error ERROR, org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter, ?, ?, ?, Incorrect string value: '\xE0\xB2\x90\xE0\xB2\xA6...'

Instructions for users, before upgrading from 1.6.x to 2.x AND This upgrade process can be applied after upgrading to 2.x also if you don't have any rows in these tables

STEP 1. Login to mysql as root,

STEP 2. Run this query

select table_name,table_collation,table_schema from information_schema.tables where table_collation not like '%utf8%' and table_name like 'question%' and table_schema like '<MIFOS_DATABASE_NAME>';

STEP 3. If some rows are returned eg.

| table_name       | table_collation   | table_schema |
| question_choices | latin1_swedish_ci | mifos        |
| questions        | latin1_swedish_ci | mifos        |

NOTE: if you get zero rows, given that you have used correct database name then you don't need to go to next step.

STEP 4. Run these queries to your Mifos database to change the character set of question tables from latin1 to be utf8

mysql> alter table questions convert to character set utf8;
mysql> alter table question_choices convert to character set utf8;

STEP 5. Verify using step 2, you should not get any rows which are latin1 character set.

Ghost Savings Accounts Fixed in 2.1.3

In previous versions of Mifos, if client approval is automatic, savings accounts created during client creation were broken.  Here is a query you can run to determine if this has happened, and remove the incorrect accounts.

Identify affected accounts:

SELECT sa.account_id,a.global_account_num, a.customer_id FROM savings_account sa, account a where sa.account_id = a.account_id and a.global_account_num is null;

Delete affected accounts (assuming no transactions have been logged for the accounts):

delete from savings_account
where exists
(select 'f' from account a
where a.account_id = savings_account.account_id
and a.global_account_num is null);

delete from savings_performance
where exists
(select 'f' from account a
where a.account_id = savings_performance.account_id
and a.global_account_num is null);

delete from saving_schedule
where exists
(select 'f' from account a
where a.account_id = saving_schedule.account_id
and a.global_account_num is null);

and finally, delete reference to account:

delete from account where account.global_account_num is null;

If transactions have been created for these accounts, then ask for help on the developer list.