
In 2014 now that the new Mifos X platform and community app are both publicly available, development will be driven by a product roadmap that is based off of the needs of partners and user across our entire community. The roadmap will be structured with quarterly milestones with major releases each month as features are developed and point release in between. The aim of the release team is to ensure that both end users and developers can gain access to a stable build or branch of Mifos code.  For users this meas a regular, frequent, and transparent release process that ensures innovation is released rapidly but still at a high level of quality.  For developers, the focus is on the source code available in a flexible distributed manner supported by a timely process for receiving and reviewing contributions and delivering these in stable builds for others to extend.

Current Priorities

Previous Priorities

See the open release process mailing list thread for current discussion. 

Background on current release process to date.

Status Updates

Links to progress and notes ongoing projects/tasks will be shared here. 

Meeting Schedule

The date and frequency of the reporting meetings will be posted here. 

Get Involved

Want to join the team and assist with shipping ? Email the team lead. Have a suggestion on how to improve release management? Send an email to the release team lead or log it as feature request with the label, "releases". 

Meet the Team

The Release Team is made up of the following community members: