Service facades are meant to represent coarse grained business processes. The ultimate goal is for a service facade to collaborate with various domain services to achieve a certain process outcome.

"... does not contain business rules or knowledge, but only coordinates tasks and delegates work to collaborations of domain objects in the next layer down. It does not have state reflecting the business situation, but it can have state that reflects the progress of a task for the user or the program." :

package org.mifos.application.admin.servicefacade;

import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;


public interface CustomizedTextServiceFacade {

    @PreAuthorize("isFullyAuthenticated() and hasRole('ROLE_CAN_DEFINE_LABELS')")
	Map<String, String> retrieveCustomizedText();

	String replaceSubstitutions(String message);

    @PreAuthorize("isFullyAuthenticated() and hasRole('ROLE_CAN_DEFINE_LABELS')")
	void addOrUpdateCustomizedText(String originalText, String customText);

    @PreAuthorize("isFullyAuthenticated() and hasRole('ROLE_CAN_DEFINE_LABELS')")
	void removeCustomizedText(String oldMessage);

	CustomizedTextDto getCustomizedTextDto(String oldMessage);

	void convertMigratedLabelKeysToLocalizedText(Locale locale);


see also: DAOs DomainServices