h1. Electronic Publishing

Date last updated: 26 Nov 2007 -- Nesrine

The administrative documents are available [here|https://mifos.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=7255&expandFolder=7255&folderID=7255]

UI Prototypes are available `here <https://mifos.dev.java.net/svn/mifos/documents/ui-workspace/Enda%20UI/27_Aug_2007.zip>`_.

h2. Scope

BIRT will be used as the reporting infrastructure to design and run administrative documents. The documents to upload should be BIRT documents.

h2. ENDA Configuration

Only the following documents will be configured to be generated from the loan account page:
* Voucher
* Payment book
* Disbursal receipt
* Payment receipt

The payment schedule could be printed from the reporting module.

The Voucher is a legal document and will be ENDA formatted.

h2. Conventions

Those conventions will be used in the whole document:
* Mandatory fields will be proceeded by *
* Links are _italicized_
* Buttons are put between braces `{Button}`

h2. Feature summary

Electronic publishing are administrative documents that need to be printed through the operational process. For example, when a LO open a new loan account for a client, he needs to make up the client file: Voucher which is collateral that the client signs, client payment schedule...etc. Besides the client file, other documents are needed in the process, like receipts (when going to the cash desk to have the money) and payments books (when going to the cash desk to pay installments). Those documents couldn't be, according to the business logic, among the reporting module, since reporting is the system output that describes a situation at a given period to help the decision holders

h2. Background

Currently, Mifos doesn't allow any reports generating or printing, outside reporting module. Administrative documents need to be configured to be printed through the operational process.

h2. Feature Description:

h3. UC1:Define|Upload administrative documents:

h4. Prerequisites:

Administrative documents should be already defined through the report module.

h4. Primary Flow:
* On the admin tab, the user clicks on upload admin documents
* The document information page is displayed, the user enter the document details: _ Administrative document title _ Account type:Loans|Savings * States under which documents could be printed
* The user attach the document pattern from the list of the uploaded reports and clicks on preview
* The review and submit page is displayed with he report information
* The user could view the document pattern, edit the report information or submit
* The user clicks on submit, the view administrative documents page is displayed with the configured reports
* When cliking on edit, the user could edit any of the configured reports

h4. Post-conditions:
* All attributes related to the report configuration are saved

h4. Alternate Flow:
* At any point of the report uploading pipeline, clicking on cancel diplays the Admin page
* On the view page, the user is able to download a report, modify it (either from a formatting or data perspective), and then re-upload it into the system.

h3. UC2:Generate administrative documents:

h4. Prerequisites:
* Administrative documents should be already Configured
* The Loan / Savings account satisfies the conditions under which the report is configured to be displayed

h4. Primary Flow:
* In the loan / savings account page, from the "Administrative documents" section, the user could generate the previously configured reports
* The links to display the reports are only shown for the configured states

I.e: If the report is configured as should be shown when the account status is only "application approved", the link to display that report should be hidden for the other loan account states
* When the user clicks on any of the displayed links, the related report is displayed

h4. Post-conditions:
* The report displayed from the loan / savings account page contains data related to the loan account and to the assigned group or client. (see ENDA Reports and Reports mapping)
* The user could print the document or cancel

h4. Alternate Flow:
* If the user clicks on `{cancel}` in the document preview page, the loan / savings account page is displayed.

h3. UI Screens
* A new section "Administrative documents" is added in the loan / savings account page

h3. Additional information
* Add new permission View|Upload Administrative documents