If you run into a problem using Mifos, try the following:
I created a loan product but I don't see it in the "Loan instance name" list.
A common issue that some users run into is not seeing a certain loan product in the Loan instance name list when they open a loan account for a user or group.
In Mifos, when you create a loan product, you have to assign it a repayment frequency – either every X number of weeks or every X number of months. You also specify whether a loan product is for clients or groups.
When you open a loan account for a client or group, Mifos filters the list of available products based on for whom you're opening the account - either a client or group. Mifos also filters the list based on repayment frequency. Loan products that do not have a repayment frequency that matches the client meeting frequency do not show up in the list. For example, if you created a loan product with monthly repayments, then loan products for clients with weekly repayments will not show up in the Loan instance name list box. However, if you created a loan product that has repayments once every 4 weeks, then because this loan product's repayments are based on weeks, this product will appear for clients who have weekly meetings.
How do I disburse a loan on a date other than the meeting date?
Use a setting called Loan Set Independent of Meeting. See Database-Configured Settings for more information.
How do I change the name of a loan officer?
Loan officers are stored as System Users in Mifos. To change a loan officer's name:
I get an invalid disbursement date error when I edit a group loan, even though the date is valid.
This is a known issue (issue 2123). The workaround is to change processes to cancel the loan and create a new one for the group.
BIRT reports in Mifos uses default database configurations. BIRT reports are not able to use custom database configurations (local.properties).
You would have to use BIRT designer to edit the database parameters in reports. Use BIRT designer 2.5.1 only to avoid report compatibility issues.
http://archive.eclipse.org/birt/downloads/build.php?build=R-R1-2_5_1-200909220630 (Download ALL in one BIRT designer 2.5.1)
Open tomcat/webapp/mifos/report/BirtReportResource/MifosReport.rptlibrary in BIRT designer, go to Outline -> Data Sources -> double click on MifosReport.rptlibrary (Change the database parameters as per your need)
To know more details check the issues
MIFOS-2431 (Add in ability for BIRT to use db connection parameters from within Mifos)
MIFOS-2840 (BIRT MifosJDBCDataSource(MifosReport.rptlibrary) should pick database parameters from database configuration file of Mifos)
You can enable detail BIRT logging. Change the tomcat/webapp/mifos/WEB-INF/web.xml and change the logging level from OFF to WARNING
<context-param> <param-name>BIRT_VIEWER_LOG_LEVEL</param-name> <param-value>OFF</param-value> </context-param> |
You can use the stack trace from the logs to get more details and it's useful for asking question on mailing list.
This is a known issue (issue 2255) that happens with certain data sets. The workaround is to reload every report after restarting Mifos.
I was running Mifos 1.3.x (or earlier) and just upgraded and now my BIRT reports don't work.
BIRT was upgraded from 2.1.2 to 2.5.1 with Mifos v1.4. For the most part, reports written for Birt 2.1.2 or Birt should still work under Birt 2.5.1. However, Birt compatibility is not perfect. If you have trouble with reports not running or displaying strangely, here are some things to try.
First, download Birt 2.5.1 (http://download.eclipse.org/birt/downloads/), load your report in the editor, then save it. This load/save step will do all the recommended upgrades from your older version. Then, edit the resulting file to change a few things the upgrader doesn't seem to handle quite right:
Check the password on your database. For Mifos version 1.2 or older, you may need to unpack the .war file, update build.properties and hibernate.properties with the correct MySQL username and password. For Mifos versions after 1.2, check your LocalPropertiesFile. Also, what version of Java have you installed? If a later version of Java was used to build the.war file, a machine running an earlier version may not be able to use it.
If you're running an earlier version of Mifos that you don't want to keep, use the following procedure to install a completely new version:
As described in the `Mifos INSTALL file <https://mifos.dev.java.net/source/browse/_checkout_/mifos/tags/v1.1.4/mifos/INSTALL?rev=HEAD&view=markup>`_ , set your CATALINA_OPTS
environment variable as follows:
CATALINA_OPTS ... -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
This error message appears when one or more of the following occurs:
To check whether MySQL is running and listening on a certain port, enter telnet <hostname> <port>
at a command prompt. For example:
telnet localhost 3306
If MySQL is running on the machine you specify and listening on the port number you entered, you will get a response that includes the server's MySQL version number. For example:
This error message appears when:
Make sure the correct databases are specified in your LocalPropertiesFile.
If your database has become corrupt, follow the installation documentation to manually re-create your database.
If your database version is too old, you may be able to download an older version of Mifos, upgrade using that, then use the more recent version of Mifos to upgrade again.
See DatabaseVersionPersistence.java in the Mifos source code for more information about what causes this error.
To backup your Mifos database using the MySQL Administrator user interface:
To backup your Mifos database from the command line:
mysqldump ---add-drop-table -u root -p db_name > target_sql_file.sql
For incremental backups, you can turn on the binary log, then do something like this monthly:
``mysqldump u root --single-transaction --create-options --flush-logs --flush-privileges --master-data=2 --delete-master-logs --databases mifos mysql | gzip > /backups/full`date u +%Y%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ`.sql.gz``
and something like this, every other day:
mysqladmin -u root flush-logs
To restore your Mifos database using the MySQL Query Browser and MySQL Administrator user interface:
To restore your Mifos database from the command line:
mysql -u root -p db_name < source_sql_file.sql
Follow the instructions in the `Mifos INSTALL file <https://mifos.dev.java.net/source/browse/_checkout_/mifos/tags/v1.1.4/mifos/INSTALL?rev=HEAD&view=markup>`_ with the following exceptions:
to the name of the machine running the database. For example:hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:mysql://www.mydbhost.net:3306/mifos?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8
If using Mifos greater than version 1.2, see LocalPropertiesFile for database connection customization instructions.
See Database Standards.
Check your LocalPropertiesFile (or build.properties and hibernate.properties if you're running Mifos version 1.2 or older) to make certain that your username/password match your install.
Not all tests clean up properly after completing. Try running mvn clean install to make sure the test database is in a good state.
Try cleaning up Eclipse quot run configurations quot
If JSP pages were moved in the source tree, it may be necessary to manually remove the directory where Tomcat stores precompiled JSP pages. This is generally CATALINA_HOME/work . When running Mifos under the Eclipse WTP, this directory will be something like HOME/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp1/work .
Execute mvn process-resources
Make certain that acceptance_test database settings in your LocalPropertiesFile file match your mysql install.
Skype installs a Firefox extension that can cause Selenium RC to crash. Workaround is to remove the Skype extension from your Firefox or Chrome instance.