(Under discussion, not final)

Mifos can be broken down into following functional modules. There are cross functional modules which are not covered here. Examples of entities abstracted by them are provided, along with their description. The modules are carved out based on loose relationships different concepts in the system.

Dependency between modules



Reference Data









Cash Flow

The above table indicates dependency between various modules. The successive rows depends on their predecessor directly or indirectly. e.g.

Questionnaire is a orthogonal module, acting more like tags/meta-data captured as questions/answers on entities in the various modules (pretty much all except, reference data may be).

Please note that this is just domain dependency and some of the code level dependency might differ. How these they translate and issues around implementation would be covered in architecture related documents. (this is work in progress).


Meeting currently is a shared concept used by various Customer, Product and Account modules. We need to resolve this.


Rough but complete domain model based on current codebase. git://mifos.git.sourceforge.net/mifos/documents/design/modules/MifoDomainModel.(xmind/mm)