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Background and strategic fit

There is a need to tailor loan repayments to suit the cash flow patterns of the borrower. This is especially true of products like agricultural loans where clients cash flows can be quite volatile. Consequently returns in such sectors are seasonal, unpredictable and often lower than those of the regular commercial enterprises for which MFIs disburse loans. This necessitates the need for Financial Institutions to customize loans products, which allow for more flexibility with the installment schedule. 

The Variable Installment Loans feature of Mifos X accommodates this flexibility by specifying:

For a loan product:

    Minimum and maximum gap that should be present between installments (minimum is mandatory, however maximum is optional)

    An optional minimum installment amount

For a loan:

    Allow installment due dates to be modified

    Allow installment amounts to be modified (either total installment or principal portion can be modified)

    Add additional installments

    Validate the schedule and calculations after making these changes

Requirements/User Stories

#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes
1Setup variable installment loan productAs an Operations Manager, I want to setup a loan product that will support variable installments so that loan officers can align loan repayments to client's ability to repayMust Have 
2Change installments amountsAs a loan officer, I want to change the amounts for installments for a loan so that the repayment amounts can be aligned to the client's ability to repayMust Have 
3Change installments datesAs a loan officer, I want to change the dates for installments for a loan so that the repayment dates can be aligned to the client's ability to repayMust Have 
4Add an installmentAs a loan officer, I want to add a new installment for a loan so that the repayment dates and amounts are aligned to the client's ability to repayMust HaveThe new installment may be added either in the middle of the repayment schedule or at the end of the repayment schedule.
5Validate Schedule Must Have 

Business Rules

Variable Installment may be specified for loans that have either flat interest calculation or diminishing balance based interest calculation

For a given loan schedule, user may either modify principal and installment amount (and not both)

User may modify the date of all the installments.

User may not modify the amounts for the last installment.

If the user enters an amount for either principal or installment amount, then the other will be automatically calculated by Mifos


For Loan Products

Can configure variable installmentsFlag denoting whether this loan product support variable installmentsTrue or False. Blank w.ould mean False.
Minimum gap between installmentsInteger value that denotes the minimum number of days that need to be present between any two installments for this loan product.

If above flag is true, then this field is mandatory.

Ex. 12 - means that at least 12 days is required between 2 adjacent loan installments. If less than 12, then the "validate" button would throw an error.

Maximum gap between installmentsInteger value that denotes the maximum number of days that need to be present between any two installments for this loan product.

Optional field.

Ex. 60 - means that utmost 60 days is allowed between 2 adjacent loan installments. If more than 60, then the "validate" button would throw an error.

Minimum installment amountInteger value that denotes the minimum installment amount.

Optional field.


Ex. 300 - means that the installment amount cannot fall below 300. If less than 300, then the "validate" button would throw an error.

This validation will not be applicable for the last installment as last installment will be auto-computed.

For Loan Installments


Security and Permissions

A new permission that will allow a user to "Edit Installment Amount and Dates".

Mifos Functionality Enhancements

New Screens

A new screen that will display the loan schedule and will allow installment dates and installment amounts to be edited. This screen will be invoked via a button "Edit Installments" which is displayed on the Repayment Info screen for a new loan account.

The screen will have the following attributes (displayed in a tabular form).

         # (Installment Number), Days, Date, Principal, Interest, Fees, Installment Amount

         Clicking on the Date, Principal, Installment Amount fields will allow these fields to be edited.

         Fields that have been edited will be displayed in a different color (or there will be a visual indication for the same).

The screen will have the following buttons:

         Validate, Save, Cancel (Save will be enabled only after Validate has returned success)


Changes to Existing Screens

A new button "Edit Installments" is to be added in the "Repayment Info" screen in the "new loan account" creation flow.

This button is to be displayed only if the user has the permissions to "Edit Installment Amount and Dates".


Changes/Enhancements to Batch Jobs


Changes/Enhancements to Accounting Entries


User interaction and design

Include any mockups, diagrams or visual designs relating to these requirements.

Exception Handling

List of error scenarios and the action - if message is to be displayed, then text of the message.


List of changes/enhancements/new reports to support this functionality


From a functional perspective, list of new APIs needed.

From a functional perspective, list of existing APIs that need changes.


Points to be handled during upgrades

Any reference data that needs to be prepopulated or defaulted for clients/users


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

(e.g. How we make users more aware of this feature?)Communicate the decision reached

Out of Scope