Please refer to the following specs:

Note on Interest Rate: Mifos in the past has only allowed the entry of APR Interest Rates and SHOULD stick with only allowing the entry loan interest rates as APR in order to support the movement for full transparency in microlending (See MFTransparency for more details).  This would be following general best practices for Microfinance.

One thing to consider is technically demanding the printing of the APR rate (ie, the true APR rate, even if the MFI is using flat interest) in Mifos and then create alternative entries for interest rates.

For example, the MFI might enter in the Flat Rate of 15% over six months and then Mifos auto-calculates next to it the true APR Interest Rate and shows both Interest rates in all reports, or only the APR Interest RAte.

That being said, any choice by the community to move away from the current standard in Mifos should trigger a discussion with experts in the industry to see what would be the most appropriate design.

– Ryan W.

Additions for MifosX