So we can be prepared for our weekly developer meetings, we'll plan out in advance the main topics we'll be discussing, the developer's experiences we'd like to share, the area of the product we would like to discuss, the functional specification (s) we'll be reviewing, and the screencast tutorial that will be conducted and recorded: 

Upcoming Developer Meetings

Developer Meeting Date

Developer Show & Tell Presentation

Screencast Tutorial

Product Discussion

Functional Spec Review

May 24, 2012


Mifos API
Documentation Sprint

Term Deposits

May 31, 2012


Forking on GitHub



June 7, 2012





July 5, 2012





Developer Show & Tell will give developers a chance to share their experiences working on Mifos - the lessons they've learned, the advice they'd share, where they'd like to get involved, the suggestion they have to improve Mifos development. 

For Screencast Tutorials see Tech Tutorials Brainstorm