Create a Message-Gateway before creating SMS Campaigns by following this link:

Configuring Message Gateway in Platform:

Step 1: Navigate to Admin>>System>>External Services

Step 2: Next Click on External Services (SMS Service Configuration)

Step 3: Click on 

Step 4: Set the following parameters in Edit External Service Configuration

end_point: /message-gateway-0.0.1

host_name: { Message-gateway host name}

Port_Number: 9191

tenant_app_key: {Set the same tenant_app_key that is generated while configuring Message-Gateway}

Step 5: Click Submit.

How to Create SMS Campaigns:

1.Once you login into Mifos X, navigate to Admin>>Organisation>>SMS Campaigns

2. Click on  to create a new SMS Campaign

3. Define the "Message Details" for the SMS Campaign.

                      Campaign Name: Provide a name for SMS Campaign.

                      Campaign Type: Should be "SMS".

                      SMS Provider: Select the appropriate SMS provider from the drop down menu.

                     Trigger Type: Set "Trigger type" as 'Direct','Scheduled','Triggered'.

                     Business Rule: Select the appropriate business rule from the drop down menu.

Under Trigger Type, the drop down populates 'Direct','Scheduled','Triggered'

  • Choose Direct when you want to send SMS only once.
  • Choose Scheduled if you want to send multiple SMS for particular 'date' and 'Time'.
  • Choose Triggered when you want to send 'transactional' SMS (For Example: Loan Repayment, Savings Deposit, Savings Withdrawal, etc. Currently 9 types of transactional campaigns are supported).

When Trigger Type is set as "Scheduled", provide the Scheduled date and Scheduled time.

4. Next click 

5. Provide the Campaign Message by using Template Parameters.

6. Click 

7. Next click on Activate and provide the Activation date.

8. SMS Campaign is successfully created.

9. From the SMS campaign window, you can see the SMS campaign names that are at the active and pending stages.

How to view Pending, Sent, Delivered, Failed SMS:

  1. To view Pending SMS, set "From Date" and "To Date" parameters.

    To send pending SMS, please run the scheduler job "Send Messages to SMS Gateway". This can be achieved by navigating to Admin>>System>>Scheduler Jobs.

  2. Similarly we can view 'Sent','Delivered','Failed' SMS by providing "From Date" and "To Date" parameters.