West Africa
West Africa
Ghamfin Notes
From George
- most MFIs v small in Ghana - range from a few K to a max of 96K clients
- central bank just intro'd new regs that will increase reporting requirements on MFIs
- integrated accting fairly important for a few reasons, but can be very very simple
- need to produce reports across portfolio and financials for central bank - best if they can do that with a click
- more complex accting software may be too complex for some MFIs
- can be as simple as a GL plus a handful of core reports like a balance sheet and key ratios
- Virtually all MFIs in Ghana have internet connectivity at minimum GPRS level via USB modems
- combo of loans and savings across the institutions - some have only credit
- MFIs in Ghana will now have regulator-mandated insurance offering / likely very simple
- mostly Grameen / joint liability group savings with weekly repayments
- govt implementing biometric ID - desire to use that to reduce multiple loans across MFIs (or at least check)
- Accounting - interest in integrating with SQL-ledger for mid-sized institution in Nigeria.
, multiple selections available,