Link Payment Type with Charges


On savings account withdrawal/deposit transaction should allow to apply a set of charges based on a selected payment type. All account and charge transactions should be in a single transaction scope upon failure of any transaction should roll back all transactions.


In Scope: Savings charges with charge time as “Withdrawal Fee” and “Deposit Fee” are in scope for this requirement.


Detailed requirements.

Set 1: Add a New Charge time type

  •     Add a new charge time type called “Deposit Fee” which is applicable only for savings deposit transaction.
  •     Should allow to define charge amount flat or percentage of deposit amount.
  •     All deposit charges are collected from savings account.


Set 2: Link payment type with charges

  •     Should allow to link a withdrawal and deposit fee to a payment type.
  •     On account withdrawal or deposit using a payment type should apply linked charges.
  •     All transactions, withdrawal/deposit and charges should be in a single transaction scope. On failure of any transaction should roll back all transactions.
  •     On reversal of withdrawal/ deposit transaction should reverse charges transactions as well.