09.07.2011 Developer Meeting
09.07.2011 Developer Meeting
Who Attended
- Keith Woodlock (Ireland)
- Andrew Hagner (USA)
- Krishnan Mani (India)
- Ed Cable (US)
Typewith.me notes and action items - http://typewith.me/ygkggiTlU8
Action Items
- Ed to Inform TWN that check-ins should go into Elsie F release
- Ed to post his screencasts in a good location.
- Udai/Keith to add in reference data to Mifos so that new locale can be accepted.
- Keith to share next round of prototype
- Krishnan to send out updated concept note, might do demo in next 1-2 weeks
- Ed to collect info on who's using BIRT, what version of Mifos, and what methodology
- Ed to reconnect with MFIs on upgrades
- Krishnan to continue engaging unversity students
- Keith to connect with John on reporting estimates
Telugu Translation - Database of locales that Mifos supports. If want to add a new one, just add the reference around it.
- Add in the change to accept that locale -
- Can add it into 2.1.5 and could patch it into other branches.
- https://groups.google.com/d/topic/mifosdeveloper/3E46dw_Iui8/discussion
- Action: Inform TWN that check-ins should go into Elsie F release
- Currently going into Mifos 2.2 release.
Getting G Release to a full release
Some issues with G release compiling in Eclipse - Michael V to follow up on it.
- No major bugs currently
- BIRT Exception when starting up in Tomcat (but not Jetty)
- Action: Who's using BIRT
- Would be useful to remove but probably a headache for many customers.
Update from Andrew - Will be looking for other bugs to work on
- Colleague, John will be joining over next semester
- Action: Ed to post his screencasts in a good location.
Update from Keith - In next 2 - 3 days, will have enough functionality to demonstrate
- Security, loans/client functionality, migration/bulk upload
- Little bit of reporting as well.
- Would then like to get close to actual customers who are in the individual methodology.
- Set them up and get their data to have hands-on usage and see if it's something they'd use day to day.
- After that, open part, APIs and exposing services then work on a proper UI, using some of these services.
Update from Krishnan - Getting a beta version ready to see all the important concepts trying to implement in an end to end fashion
- Handle transactions, processes financial transactions from Mifos, creates vouchers, creates reports - basic interface for accountant as user.
- This would be different than any other system where accountant is not the primary user of MIS.
- Most MIS fall short of requirements for accountant - handle anything that MIS can provide.
- Some time next week, do a demonstration on a skype conference - host something on a url that people can log into and understand.
- Put word out to the university students this past week - will probably receive a response later this week
- Next Steps: put together a small set of tasks for them to participate in.
Update from Ed - Documentation sprint underway
Upgrading MFIs to current versions of Mifos - Should encourage this strongly
- Any way we can incentivize MFIs to get the upgrade done.
- Experiences so far
- Stephen Kaufman and IAS - upgrade didn't work directly from doing the deployment - not working out of the box, some issues with MySQL case sensitivity
- Have a dump of their database for 2.1.5 and 2.2 - to verify that.
- Waiting for Justin from Model Metrics - will do upgrade
- Kenya MFIs
- Give them a dump of their database to see if there would be problems upgrading.
- Not much of an update since last conversations
- Once look at their DB, see if there are any issues.
- Can then just follow steps for the upgrade - only 2.0 upgrade is a bit time consuming.
- Krishnan: can we get more volunteers in each region to provide more immediate help to get upgraded.
- Is it possible to have a small set of scripts to give indication of what might be potential problem during upgrades.
- Keith: data-check type query pre and post-upgrade - could do that and might be more useful for reasonably bigger ones.
- Does SunGard migration toolkit have any queries that might give a glimpse into state of the data.
- Might be possible to enhance migration kit so it can be used to migrate between different versions of Mifos itself in short term at least.
- i.e. dump from 1.3, use migration kit and then use to migrate from 2.1
- Keith: Current upgrade scripts work pretty well actually - IAS worked good except for some case insensitivity - went through pretty perfectly.
- Krishnan: which would be easiest version of Mifos to migrate to MifosX?
Reporting - Keith to get some estimates from John on reporting
, multiple selections available,