12.07.2011 Developer Meeting

On the Call

  • Jakub (Poland)
  • Keith (Ireland)
  • Kakha (Georgia)
  • Krishnan (India)
  • Udai (India)
  • Ed (USA)

Action Items:

  • Ed to circulate rough roadmap based on consolidated JIRA list to serve as talking points to users 
  • Ed to schedule meeting of sub-team to discuss this rough roadmap.
    • Put in place account management/plan for reaching out to customers to get direct feedback.
  • Ed to get timelines of data migration toolkit completion. 
  • Udai/Jakub others to explore any issues related to user-based locale
    • Plan is to release as part of Mifos 2.3
  • Schedule meeting of release management team to discuss 2.3 release (first major community release)
    • Discuss release management in context of GitHub migration
  • Kakha to document multi-currency needs and start discussion around this on mifos-users list.
  • Send notes/decisions from accounting sub-team to rest of developers/users (want feedback from Udai and Jakub)
  • Ed to cross-post Udai's user-based locale posts on mifos newslog


From: http://sync.in/649XMMlRZ3


  • Feature List
  • Data Migration Toolkit
  • Mifos 2.2.3
  • Android Client
  • Mifos X

Feature List Feedback

  • Dashboards are helpful for directing for certain organization
  • Tie into feature request process
  • Have a lot of customer-focused stuff in there but still need to get directly in touch with users to see if that's still relevant for them.
  • Many of the issues (i.e. reporting) - need to come into a decision. 
  • Turn off - have a configuration thing for people who are upgrading - and still see the BIRT stuff.
  • Reporting:
    • A lot of feedback has been in general. 
  • Next Step: Get closer to customers to formulate the product roadmap
    • Directly hear how relevant are some of the older requests.
  • Rough Roadmap
    • Reporting, Data into Mifos (backdated transaction, proper import API), Accounting
  • Krishnan: 
    • Rough internal roadmap - can we arrive at that --> yes
    • Wider areas that we're concentrating on and go back to users for validation. 

Data Migration Toolkit

  • Hugo Technologies making good progress - achieved 40% performance improvements and in working on savings migration functionality. 
  • Krishnan: worked on a small tool before - written in Groovy - interested to see if can pass on any experiences
  • Kakha: wondering on status of the advancement of this tool

Mifos 2.2.3

  • Smaller release - Write API Requests - 
  • Cosmetic Issues
  • MaybeBIRT Reports - hardcoded database issue. 
  • Finishing functionalities of Mifos Android Client
  • Release before Christmas/Year-End

GitHub Migration

  • Krishnan: do we have mifos repository on GitHub already? Just a mirror right now. 
  • Udai: want to abandon SF.net git repository and move to GitHub - faster, more social features, better freedom/flexibility for contributors
  • Any new repository for Mifos should be completed on GitHub

Android Client

  • 1.0 release on tomorrow or Friday - all read methods and after a few days, task list functionality, then all the write methods by end of year. 

Update on Mifos X

  • End of December should have some updates.

Multi-language Support in Mifos

  • Currently complete but only in master - not in a production release yet.
    • To discuss with Udai if can move it into next release as long as it's stable.
  • Krishnan: are we going to go towards a strategy leveraging git more?
    • Keith: once we move to GitHub can take advantage of forking in there to enable more collaboration.
      • Trying to move towards a model where we can just pull contributions into release branch and release more frequently.
  • Action: Reach out to Udai about incorporating it.
    • Worried about some changes that might break stability. 
    • Additional testing: 
    • Jakub: saw that sometimes several parts of page were in different languages when don't explicitly set up a language.
  • Could wait till 2.3 - jan-feb timeframe
  • Kakha: Amazon EC2 interface - using most stable release - would like to continue doing that. 
    • Also need Lao // Jakub: Adding new language not a problem.
    • Jakub: not a good idea to include in maintenance release such a large feature like user-based locale.
  • Takeaway: wait till 2.3 to ship
    • Position 2.3 as major release and package in features that we can. 

Multi-Currency Support needs for Kakha

  • Several branches, several centers - with different currencies - how do you do consolidation
  • Action: Kakha to document requirements in JIRA and send to users lists to initiate discussion and feedback from user community. 

Thousands Separator Issue

  • No blockers

Accounting Integration

  • Kakha to send out documenet from meeting
  • Ed to send out notes from Accounting Team call. 
  • Get buy-in and opinions from Jakub and Udai on 1) building in simple accounting functionalities in Mifos and 2) Strategy for Mifos Accounting Bridge: Molly Integration or Build Bridge directly in Mifos