Reporting Meeting Notes

Reporting Meeting Notes


Mifos Reporting Meeting 2012-02-02
Seetha Rajagopalan (Sungard)
Ramesh.A.Nayak (Conflux)
Kakhaber Kheladze (Fina)
Nick Gochiashvili (Fina)
John Woodlock
Overview of Reporting in Mifos http://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/display/MIFOS/Overview+of+Reporting+Capability+in+Mifos
What is being done at the moment
Ramesh: bug fixes in Mifos BI 1.3 plus new report Loan Aging - PPI (looking at)
Seetha: implementing Mifos BI for large client 120K. 
Seetha question about date parameters for some BI reports.  Will post list of reports to developers list.
John W: datatable based reports plus running pentaho reports within mifos... 1st in Individual Lending, then Mifos
Seetha asked if Birt functionality is being removed or the reports moved to Pentaho as some MFI's use Birt.  John W: Not at the moment (as far as I know).  And expect Birt functionality to be hidden for new installments in future rather than removed.
some comments/questions from Kakhaber:
1.  having reports into Mifos directly (without Pentahi BI UI) is indeed very good idea, and it will be very useful for us to see how you are going to achieve that (or you already did it) 
2.  but same time  there is a need for report designer / data mining  , those users  should have ability to login into Pentaho and do some new reports.  In this case it will be very useful  to have  same / common  APP server and  single authorization and authentication.  Any idea / plans regarding  it ?  However #1 has much higher priority for us and I guess for all users.  John W: 1) being done for Individual Lending project will port to Mifos when ready.  Timing dependant on help from Mifos developers (to do Mifos-specific permissions and data scope work).  2) No-one at the moment is working on Single Signon (except maybe Fina)
3.  Were will be hosted source code on that improvement? On Github ? Sosurcoforge?  Which components , libraries | Jars, Wars, etc… has to be used ? John W:  It's Java.  Source will be moved to Github when Keith W gets round to it.
4. Can  Dashboard feature  implemented with same way? without UI?.  John W.  Dashboard reqs vary.  The stuff I'm doing will have some simple charting independent of Pentaho Server UI.  Java can hook into Pentaho capabilities or could use CDF/CDE for dashboard work in community edition of Pentaho.
5. Road map - when Integrated report will be included in Official release  or M-realease ?  John W: timing and dependencies as said above 
6. Will reports designed into Mifox 2.x compatible with Mifos X? John W: Some  reports in Individual Lending will have similar names but the underlying data structure is very different.  This isn't a big deal as the reporting objective in Individual Lending is to be able to get reports developed and deployed quickly  so its easy to mimic existing mifos reports.