Working with Collection Sheets

Working with Collection Sheets

The collection sheet is a way to create bulk transactions for repayment of loans. You can use collection sheet in the following ways:

  • Using it as an Individual Collection Sheet where you have to provide three parameters, namely; Office, Repayment Date and Staff.
  • Using it as Productive Collection Sheet where you have to provide three parameters, namely Office, Meeting Date and Staff and later you can choose respective centers before submission.
  • Using it as just 'Collection Sheet' where you can provide Office, Meeting Date, and Staff. Providing 'Group Name' is optional here. 

Individual Collection Sheets:

Before you can make a repayment, you must do the following:

1.You need to be logged in. (See Login/Logout)

  • Once you are logged in, it should take you to a screen similar to the following: 

2. Open the Individual Collection Sheet 

  • First tap the menu in the action bar in the top left corner (three lines). A menu should pop up similar to the following:

  • Tap Individual Collection Sheet. This will take you to where you can generate the collection sheet. It should pop up as the following:

3. From there, input the following information:

  • Branch Office - Select desired office. 

  • Repayment date - Select respective repayment date. 

  • Staff - Select associated loan officer, if the loan officer is not associated you could skip this selection.

  • Then click on Generate Collection sheet button. The following window appears:

4. All the individual's expected repayment amount are automatically shown in this sheet here. 

    • Loan and charges due collection row. With respect to the loan account total due is the expected loan repayment column and charge is the expected charge to be paid row.
    • In the row below you could see the savings dues to collected columns. 
    • You could also use add payment detail in case if you want to capture additional payment details. 

  • Finally, submit the sheet by tapping the "Submit" button at the top right
  • A message will be displayed like that shown below on the image: