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Getting started
Installing Mifos X
Mifos X Installation on Windows
Mifos X Installation on Linux - Ubuntu Server
Mifos X Installation on Cloud
Mifos X Automated Installation on Debian/Ubuntu
Mifos X 21.07 Installation Guide (with Pentaho plugin)
Mifos X 23.12.31 Installation Guide (for Windows 11 & Ubuntu 22.04 Lts)
Mifos X 24.04.30 - Installation Guide (for Windows 11 & Ubuntu 24.04 Lts)
Mifos X 24.12.24 - Installation Guide (for Windows 11 & Ubuntu 24.04 Lts)
Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instructions on Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - Docker - MariaDB
Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instructions on Windows 11 Home x86_64 - Docker - MariaDB
Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instructions on Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - Docker - Postgresql
Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instructions on Windows 11 Home x86_64 - Docker - Postgresql
Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instructions on Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instructions on Windows 11 Home x86_64
Mifos Pentaho Plugin for Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instruction on Windows 11 Home x86_64 - MariaDB
Mifos Pentaho Plugin for Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instruction on Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - Docker Compose - MariaDB
Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instructions on Windows 11 Home x86_64 - Docker, MariaDB and 2FA
Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instructions on Windows 11 Home x86_64 - Docker, MariaDB and Oauth
Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instructions on Windows 11 Home x86_64 - Docker, Postgresql and 2FA
Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instructions on Windows 11 Home x86_64 - Docker, Postgresql and Oauth
Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instructions on Windows 11 Home x86_64 and 2FA
Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instructions on Windows 11 Home x86_64 and Oauth
Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instructions on Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - Docker, MariaDB and 2FA
Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instructions on Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - Docker, MariaDB and Oauth
Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instructions on Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - Docker, Postgresql and 2FA
Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instructions on Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS -MariaDB and 2FA
Mifos X Platform 24.12.24 - Installation Instructions on Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - MariaDB and Oauth
Deployment Toolkit
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How-To Articles & FAQ
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Mifos Android Client User Guide