Standard Reports Field Descriptions
Report Name | Category | Description | Format | Parameters |
Active Loans - Details | Loan | Listing of all active loans and details including principal, interest, and fees outstanding for each loan. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Currency, Loan Purpose, Fund, Office, Product, Loan Officer |
Active Loans Summary | Loan | (based on each branch) A summary of the total clients, number of active loans, number of arrears, PAR calculation, as well as the total disbursed, principal, interest, fees, and penalties for each branch. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Office, Currency, Fund, PAR Calculation, Loan Purpose, Loan Officer, Product |
Active Loans By Disbursal Period | Loan | List of Loans by date of disbursal including loan principal, interest rate, date disbursed, total loan amount, and total repaid. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Office, Currency, Fund, Loan Purpose, Loan Officer, Product, Start Date, End Date |
Active Loans in Last Installment | Loan | List of active loans on their last installment (as of the day the report is been generated) listing original loan details, expected maturity date as well as principal, interest, fees, and outstanding penalties. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Office, Currency, Fund, Loan Purpose, Loan Officer, Product |
Active Loans in Last Installment (Summary) | Loan | List of active loans on their installment (as of day of report being summarized) by branch including number of clients, number of active loans and in arrears, total principal, interest, fees, and penalties, and PAR calculation, or loans on their last installment. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML (table) | Office, Currency, Fund, Loan Purpose, Loan Officer, Product, PAR Calculation |
Active Loans Passed Final Maturity | Loan | It shows a list of clients with their loan details, like Disbursed Date, Expected Maturity Date, for whom the loan has already passed the maturity date. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Office, Currency, Fund, Loan Purpose, Loan Officer, Product |
Active Loans Passed Final Maturity Summary | Loan | It shows the number of loans with arrears (if any) which have already passed maturity date with their details. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Office, Currency, Fund, Loan Purpose, PAR calculation |
Aging Detail | Loan | Under a specific office, Aging Detail provides a list of clients having arrears in terms of number of 'Days', 'Weeks' and 'Days in Arrears Band'. Along with this, it provides Client's Original Principal, Original Interest, Principal Paid, Interest Paid, Principal Overdue and Interest Overdue. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Office |
Aging Summary (Arrears in Months) | Loan | Under a specific office, Aging Summary provides number of loans which are arrears in days (or on Schedule) with the mentioned currency type. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML (table) | Office, Currency |
Aging Summary (Arrears in Weeks) | Loan | Under a specific office, Aging Summary provides number of loans which are arrears in weeks (or on Schedule) with the mentioned currency type. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Office, Currency |
Branch Expected Cash Flow | Loan | At each date for the specific duration, this report provides 'Expected Cash In' (in terms of Principle, Interest, Fees Penalty) and 'Expected Cash Out' (Loan Disbursal) and 'Net Expected Cash Out' (Expected Cash Out ~ Expected Cash In). | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Office, Start Date, End Date |
Expected Payments By Date - Basic | Loan | For all clients under a specific office, it shows Principal/Interest/Fees/Penalties Due and Total Due for the given due date of the client. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML (table) | Office, Start Date, End Date |
Loans Awaiting Disbursal | Loan | It shows a list of all the clients and summary of their loans which are approved but not yet disbursed. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Office, Loan Purpose, Fund, Currency |
Loans Awaiting Disbursal Summary by Month | Loan | It shows list of loan products which are awaiting for disbursal at each month. It also shows the Principal Amount yet to be disbursed. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML (table) | Office, Loan Purpose, Fund, Currency |
Loans Pending Approval | Loan | It shows a list of clients and details of their loan accounts which are not yet approved. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Office, Loan Purpose, Fund, Currency |
Obligation Met Loans Details | Loan | For the given duration, this report shows the list of loans (with details) that are paid by the customers without any dues before the maturity date. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Office, Loan Purpose, Fund, Currency , Start Date , End Date |
Obligation Met Loans Summary | Loan | This report shows the number of loans along with their details (ex: total principal/interest/fees/penalties repaid) which are paid by the customers without any dues before the maturity date. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Office, Loan Purpose, Fund, Currency , Start Date , End Date |
Portfolio at Risk | Loan | This report shows portfolio at risk (in %) using the formula: Portfolio at Risk = Unpaid Principal balance of all loans with payment past due (by age: 1, 30, 60, 90 days, etc.) / Outstanding Portfolio It also shows Interest Due, Fees Due, Penalties, Fees Outstanding, etc. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Office, Loan Purpose, Fund, Currency, PAR calculation |
Portfolio at Risk by Branch | Loan | This is similar to the previous one but lists portfolio at risk grouped by branch offices. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Office, Loan Purpose, Fund, Currency, PAR calculation |
Rescheduled Loans | Loan | This report shows a branch-wise list of all rescheduled loans with their details (like Written-off Date, Disbursed Date, Rescheduled Principal/Interest/Fees). | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Office, Currency, Start Date and End Date |
Txn Running Balances | Loan | This report shows a list of loan accounts and their transaction type (whether it's in disbursement state or repayment state). Along with this, it shows Principal, Interest, Outstanding Principal and Interest Income with specified currency and loan product. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | |
Written-Off Loans | Loan | It shows a list of all the loans which are written-off in a given duration. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Currency, Office, Start Date, End Date |
Client Loans Listing | Clients | It shows a list of clients and their respective loan accounts with their details like Client Status, Loan Status (Approved, Disbursed, Closed, Rejected, Written-off), Amortization, Loan Frequency, etc. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Office, Currency, Loan Purpose , Fund |
Client Listing | Clients | It lists all the clients for a particular branch and the respective Account Number, Client Status, Activation Date and External Id associated with them. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Office |
Funds Disbursed Between Dates Summary | Funds | It lists all the funds which are disbursed (with their currency type) during a given duration. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Currency, Fund, Start Date, End Date |
Funds Disbursed Between Dates Summary by Office | Funds | It lists all the funds which are disbursed with their currency type during a given duration and by a specific branch office. | Pentaho (PDF, Excel, CSV) HTML | Currency, Fund,Office, Start Date, End Date |