Post-Deployment Planning

Post-Deployment Planning

Items you need to have in place before you are ready to be live.

Planning for Production

Post deployment planning is a critical part of any software implementation.    We advise MFI’s to review the checklists on the pages below to prepare for production activity.  All items should be documented, tested, and put into place as soon as possible.

For examples of documents from specific deployments, see the deployment project pages.

Hiring/staffing to support this function

Everyone should understand who is responsible for each function in this area.  Ensure that each area is covered by the existing staff or new staff is hired/outsourced.

Troubleshooting and end-user support

  • Processes for end user support and issue resolution
  • Hiring/staffing to support this function

Application administration

  • Processes for performing application administration duties such as making configuration changes to Mifos, adding/changing products, adding/changing offices, roles & permissions, etc
  • Processes for performing user maintenance (adding new system users, removing system users who have left the organization, etc)
  • Documentation
  • Hiring/staffing to support this function

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