Getting started with - Data Import Tool

Getting started with - Data Import Tool

On this page:

Getting started

Starting Data Import tool, Using Git bash >> Go to:


Once the server is started: 

Using Data Import tool, from web browser - Go to: 


Using Data Import Tool

Setting up from Front end

In order to start importing data, you should have created office & staff from front-end: 

Importing Clients 

Updating details in the downloaded sheet:

Note:  All fields marked with an asterisk(*) are compulsory.

            Drop down values should be selected, i.e. for: Office Name, Staff Name and Active.

            Date format should be: DD-MM-YYYY

Uploading the sheet: 

Choose file and select the file >> then click on submit button to upload.

Re-Uploading unsuccessful import sheet 

If the import was not completely successful, then Re-Upload.xls sheet will be generated automatically:

Open the sheet and check for status

In the shown example:

a)      For 2nd row for client – “John”, Import was failed and the status is “activationDate : Client activation date cannot be a date before the office opening date” (Shown in red).

b)      For 3rd row for client - “Anna”, Import was Successful and the status is “Imported (Shown in green)”.

After making the necessary changes, upload the same sheet again.

For this example, I am only updating for failed import i.e.:

a)       For 2nd row for client – “John”, updating the “Activation date” to the Office opening date or later date.

Import Successful

On successfully completing the import, it will show the message as: 

In the same way Data can be imported

Import Centers: 

Import Groups: 

Import Loans:

To start importing Loans, you should have defined from front end:

Currency configuration, Loan products & Charges. (Administration => Organisation/ Products)

Payment Types (Administration -> System -> View Code -> Add/Edit Code Value) 

Import Loan repayments:

Import Savings:

To start importing Savings, you should have defined from front end:

Currency configuration, Savings products & Charges. (Administration => Organisation/ Products)

Import fixed deposit:

To start importing fixed deposit, you should have defined from front end:

Currency configuration, fixed deposit products and Charges. (Administration => Organisation/ Products)

Import recurring deposit:

To start importing recurring deposit, you should have defined from front end:

Currency configuration, recurring deposit products and Charges. (Administration => Organisation/ Products)

Importing RD account transaction’s: 

Importing closing of savings account:

Importing/Adding – Journal entries: 

Reference Guide: https://github.com/openMF/DataImportTool