Khmer Translation of Mifos

Khmer Translation of Mifos

Status - In Development


Please email the mifos-developer list if you are interested in helping on this project.


Kay Chau

Current Volunteer(s)

  • T1


Localize Mifos by translating the product from English into Khmer needed for MFI's.

Time Estimate

1 hour to familiarize with Mifos, set up an account on our online translation tool, etc. Then translate strings as you have time. (approx 80 hours total for all strings in Mifos for 1 language).

Prerequisite experience

Fluency in the language you're translating into. No technical coding experience necessary.


Translating Mifos has been made easy with Translatewiki.net

If you are a group or organization that is interested in translating as a team, please be sure to contact us and provide details on how you can help!
