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An Example Data Migration

Analysis of MFI and their source data

MFI has ~100 offices (~70 are branchs) and wishes to migrate 5 of these branchs to mifos.

MFI has x amount of personnel, y of which are loan officers, z of which are other staff, such as data-entry, manager etc

MFI has 1 Loan Product (a individual loan applicable to clients, 1-24 installments, weekly installments)

No Centers as such.

Number of groups per branch?

Number of clients per group?

Group with many clients

Clients with individual loans and savings accounts

Custom Fields for client information

Decision is taken to manually enter Personnel, Offices, Reference Data (Loan Purposes),

Decision is taken to use an 'opening balance' approach. Basically for a specific branch and field-officer, if that field-officer is meeting with a praticular group on say Monday. Once the day is over, a spreadsheet with all the details of the loan for each client member of group is captured and the following details are tracked:

Original Loan Amount
no of installments
Disbursement Date
First Installment Date
Current Installment Date
Amount Paid to Date (Principla + Interest)
Loan Cycle
Loan Purpose

extraction, transformation and loading of data

This information is then extracted from template spreadsheet and (possibly transformed in some way) and loaded into mifos.

At this point this group is considered to be on mifos and from now on they should be using mifos application


Consolidation? ask ryan again?


Past history of loans is not captured.

Steps to getting setup

Create latest schema with lastest data

From a blank mifos schema:

  • apply latest-schema.sql
  • apply latest-data.sql
  • update 'admin' users password to 'testmifos'
update personnel set password=0x22648ca42330a561964dbe32f54e6a04a49d03f203ca64b2515338d9 where personnel_id=1;

Use custom configutation files

After doing analysis on the mfi, it may be possible to put together application configuration files:

  • edit and place in configuration directory e.g. MIFOS_CONF
  • create mifosBeanConfig.custom.xml (think this must go in application server classpath (lib folder for instance))
  • create mifosChartOfAccounts.custom.xml and place in configuration directory e.g. MIFOS_CONF

Launch Application

At this point you should be able to start mifos application against mifos schema. As a result the database at present has the following information:

  1. Latest database structure (tables, relationships, constrainst etc)
  2. Reference Data that comes out of box and must exist for mifos to startup
  3. Persistence of some configuration from which now cannot be changed.

Reference Data

Executing the following query will show you the existing reference data

SELECT l.lookup_id, le.entity_name, l.lookup_name, le.description
FROM lookup_value l
INNER JOIN lookup_entity le
ON l.entity_id=le.entity_id
order by l.entity_id, l.lookup_id;

Seed Reference Data

Reference data populated by applying latest-data.sql and which must exist for application to work.

Data Type





male, female



active, inactive



loan officer, non loan officer

Custom Reference Data

Reference data that is optional and typically different on a customer by customer basis

Data Type





Mr., Mrs.



single, married, seperated, widow



Roman Catholic,Protestant Baptist Pentecostal,Born Again Christian,Seventh Day Adventist,Iglesia Ni Kristo,Jehovahs Witness,Latter Day Saints,Islam,Others



Yes, No



Elementary, High School, College, Vocational, None



Program Officer, Program Unit Supervisor, Branch Accountant, Branch Accountant Assistant, Branch Manager

NOTE: Citizenship is used to track religon
NOTE: Ethinicity is used to track ?

Model Organisation

Model Office Hierarchy and offices

Model Personnel/Staff/Application Users

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