- While creating any loan product template, provision categories should be added to the response object. For this
- org.mifosplatform.portfolio.loanproduct.data.LoanProductData should have one more instance variable to hold provision categories
- New interface org.mifosplatform.organisation.provisioning.service.ProvisionCategoriesReadPlatformService should have a method to retrieve all provision categories.
- The method name is List<EnumOptionData> retrieveProvisionCategories() ;
- Provision Categories should retrieved and set to LoanProductData in org.mifosplatform.LoanProductsApiResource.handleTemplate(final LoanProductData productData)
- Client application should read response param "provisioncategoies" if available it should display provision categories as shown in create product mock up screen
- While creating a loan product, the provision categories along with min age, max age, percentage to provision should be read and saved into DB. For this
- New entity class org.mifosplatform.organisation.provisioning.domain.LoanProductProvision for 'm_loanproduct_provision_category' should be added
- org.mifosplatform.portfolio.loanproduct.domain.LoanProduct should have set of LoanProductProvision
- Client application should send loan product provision categories as part of the request params while creating a loan product. The parameter name is 'loanproductprovisons'
- Provision categories should be read and added in org.mifosplatform.portfolio.loanproduct.domain.LoanProduct.assembleFromJson(...)
- While retrieving a loan product (s), we need to retrieve the provision categories and associate with the Loan Product object (s). For this
- org.mifosplatform.portfolio.loanproduct.service.LoanProductReadPlatformServiceImpl.retrieveLoanProduct(Long loanProductId) should be modified to associate provision categories
- org.mifosplatform.portfolio.loanproduct.service.LoanProductReadPlatformServiceImpl.retrieveAllLoanProducts() should be modified to associate provision categories
- org.mifosplatform.organisation.provisioning.service.ProvisionCategoriesReadPlatformService should expose a method to retrieve the provision categories based on loan product id