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Intern Working on this Project
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  • Enable generic way of sending notifications - these notifications should be capable of being delivered via the Community App, via the Android app for field officers or Android self-service app, via SMS, or via Email.
  • Mingle Actions into the notification - To allow the user to directly act upon the alert directly from the notification (i.e. approve a client).

Approach for designing  a generic notification system


  • There is an event (like new Loan Request by Loan Officer) which is broadcasted.

  • There is an event (like new Loan Request by Loan Officer) which is broadcasted.

  • The listener will now do something - for example, send an email to the Branch manager.


A listener then generates a notification. The notification will have the following model :

               Subject --> Object --> Action --> Actor 

Subject - The user who needs to be notified
Object - The object on which action happened
Action - The action that resulted in this notification
Actor - Who did it
