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  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Some formatting changes, expanded on some sections with helpful tips. No major amendments to page's advice.
Table of Contents



This is an abbreviated guide for Ubuntu-based developers who want to build Mifos from source. See Ubuntu WAR Install if you wish to install Mifos using a pre-built war file instead.


Please give feedback on any discrepancies or needed additions or corrections to the developer mailing list.


Install Ubuntu

Download and install.

Install prerequisites

Java-6 JDK


No Format
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk git-core mysql-server


  • running Running this command more than once has no effect
  • If you want to list which Java versions are already installed, execute the following:
    sudo update-java-alternatives -l
  • You can make sun-java6-jdk the default for your applications by executing the following:
    sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun

Jetty 7

  • Mifos currently requires Jetty 7.


  • 3.x - download the relevant Jetty tarball from and unpack it. 
  • In the instructions that follow, we'll assume you unpacked Jetty to $HOME/jetty7. If you've put it somewhere else, adjust accordingly.
  • If using extended characters, be sure server configuration includes URIEncoding="}}UTF-


  • 8  {{" in the Connector definition.


  • Download Maven and install following


  • the binary instructions. The version of Maven we currently recommend is found on Developer Setup.
  • The "mvn" command must be on your path.


  • You can verify that it is correctly installed by executing the following:
    mvn --version


  • If you run into 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space' during mvn's e.g. javac invocation, an "export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m" helps, best appended to your ~/.profile file.

Set up the database

OPTIONAL: create a file named mifos.cnf in /etc/mysql/conf.d/ and put in it:


Restart the database for the new settings to take effect .with:

No Format
sudo service mysql restart



create mifos and mifostest databases



  • No Format
    ~$ mysql -u root -p
    mysql> CREATE DATABASE mifos;
    mysql> CREATE DATABASE mifostest;
    mysql> show databases;
    | Database           |
    | information_schema |
    | mifos              |
    | mifostest          |
    | mysql              |
  • Grant permissions to user 'mifos' (doing these grants more than once has no effect). If you want to choose a different user name and password, adjust these instructions accordingly:
    No Format
    mysql> GRANT ALL on mifos.* to 'mifos'@'localhost' identified by 'mifos';
    mysql> GRANT ALL on mifostest.* to 'mifos'@'localhost' identified by 'mifos';
  • test Test the database connection as user 'mifos' with:
    No Format
    mysql -u mifos -pmifos mifos
    ...repeat for other databases


Use 32-bit Java. While Using a 64-bit Java VM appears to increase Mifos memory requirements. On Ubuntu, a 32-bit Sun JRE is pre-built (the ia32-sun-java6-bin package), and a JDK can be built if needed.

Memory errors?

If you've correctly set your environment variables for Maven (MAVEN_OPTS) and Java (JAVA_OPTIONS), as above, but you're still seeing memory issues when using Mifos, you may need to increase the size of your swap file / partition.




Install some Development Tools and start fixing some bugs!