Name | Purpose/Description | Default | Values |
Allow transactions on holiday | Determine if transactions will be permitted on holidays | Enabled | 0/1 |
Allow transactions on non-working day | Determine if transactions will be permitted on non-working days, such as weekends | Enabled | 0/1 |
Amazon S3 | Determines if file and image uploads will be handled by alternative Amazon S3 cloud storage. | Disabled | 0/1 |
Constraint approach for data tables | Determines whether the Code Value Name or the Code Value ID will be stored in the generated data table. If disabled, the Code Value Name will be stored in the generated data table. If enabled, the Code Value ID will be stored in the generated data table. | Disabled | 0/1 |
Financial Year Beginning Month | This should be set at the database level before any savings interest is posted. Allowed values 1 - 12 (January - December). Interest posting periods are evaluated based on this configuration. | Enabled | 1 - 12 |
Force password reset days | Determine if passwords expire and whether or not users will be required to reset their passwords after a certain number of days. Allowed values are 0 - 30. Values of 0 means thisn't enabled and passwords will not expire. | Disabled | 0 - 30 |
Grace on penalty posting | Determines whether Moratorium functionality is permitted. If enabled, Moratorium functionality is allowed; if disabled, Moratorium functionality is not allow. | Enabled | |
Is cache enabled | Determines if caching is enabled in the platform to improve performance. | Disabled | |
Maker-checker | Determine if the maker-checker system will be used | Disabled | |
Penalty wait period | Defined in terms of days. Defines how many days overdue before an overdue penalty will be charged. | Enabled | |
Reschedule future repayments | If enabled, reschedules repayments which fall on a non-working day to configured repayment rescheduling rule | Disabled | |
Reschedule repayments on holidays | Determine if repayments that occur on holidays will be rescheduled | Enabled | |
Savings Interest Posting Current Period End | Recommended to be changed only once during start of production. When set as false(default), interest will be posted on the first date of next period. If set as true, interest will be posted on last date of current period. There is no difference in the interest amount posted. | Disabled |