Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.




head-j-release -archive 18

Mifos 2.6.3Comments
Check 'Define customized text' link on Admin page


Check 'Define Lookup options' link on Admin page


Check 'Define mandatory/hidden fields' link on Admin page


Check 'Month Closing' link on Admin page


Check 'Define new product category' on View product categories page


Check 'View product mix' link on Admin page


Check 'define a new question' link on View Questions page


Check 'define a new question group' link on 'View Question Groups' page


 (tick)MIFOS - 5833
Verify that 'Change Preferred Language', 'Your settings' and 'Log out' are displayed on each MIFOS page


Check 'Change Preffered Language' link on each MIFOS page(tick) (tick) 

Verify that 'Switch site type' work properly on 'Home' and 'Clients & Accounts' pages (check Clients details,
accounts, schedules pages)

(tick) (tick) 



Manage Import and Exports


head-j-release -archive 18

Mifos 2.6.3Comments
Check 'Import transactions' link on Admin page


Check if 'Import format' dropdown contains only installed plugins (Audi Bank, MPESA)


Select inappropriate format file e.g. .pdf and click on Review button. Verify that validation message appears.


Select proper .xls file and click on Review button.


Verify that the following message appears: "No payment type found named 'Bank Audi sal'."


Go to 'Define lookup options' page and add 'Bank Audi sal' payment mode.


Go back to 'Import transactions' page and select again proper .xls file and click on Review button.


Verify that the following message still appears: "No payment type found named 'Bank Audi sal'." because payment mode hasn't been defined on 'Define accepted payment types' page.


Go to 'Define accepted payment types' page and add 'Bank Audi sal' payment mode for repayments.


Go back to 'Import transactions' page and select again proper .xls file and click on Review button.


Click on 'Edit:Import information' button and select different file. Click on 'Review' button and verify that file is properly analyzed, errors are listed and displayed in red and that values are different from those in first analyzed file.


 (tick)file has to be properly edited, otherwise import doesn`t work
If there are valid rows, submit upload and check if payments are properly applied to appropriate accounts.


Go back to 'Import transactions' page and select MPESA plugin and click on Browse button. Verify that file selection window appears.


Select inappropriate format file e.g. .pdf and click on Review button. Verify that validation message appears.


Select proper .xls file and click on Review button.


Verify that the following message appears: "Payment type MPESA not found. Have you configured this payment type?."


Go to 'Define lookup options' page and add 'MPESA' payment mode.


Go back to 'Import transactions' page and select again proper .xls file and click on Review button.


Verify that the following message still appears: "Payment type MPESA not found. Have you configured this payment type?." because payment mode hasn't been defined on 'Define accepted payment types' page.


Go to 'Define accepted payment types' page and add 'MPESA' payment mode for repayments and disbursements.


Verify that file is properly analyzed and errors are listed and displayed in red.


Click on 'Edit:Import information' button and select different file. Click on 'Review' button and verify that file is properly analyzed, errors are listed and displayed in red and that values are different from those in first analyzed file.


If there are valid rows, submit upload and check if payments are properly applied to appropriate accounts and that appropriate accounts are disbursed.


View Accounting ExportsWindowsMifos 2.6.3Comments
Check 'View accounting exports' link on Admin page.


Check layout on 'View accounting exports' page.


Verify that 10 days are listed in the table (if there are less than 10 days with transactions then only those days should be listed)


Check that only days on which transaction took place are listed in the table.


Click on 'Generate Export and View Details' link and verify that Mifos Accounting Export page is properly displayed.


Verify that 'Download Tally XML format' link and 'Print' link are displayed and work properly.


 (tick)XML format - raw xml code
Check if amount for GLIM account is not doubled (if there are 2 clients in GLIM) MIFOS-5638   
Check (on database which exists more than 1000 days) if results are displayed properly on 'View accounting exports' page MIFOS-5687


Download XML file and check if Voucher Date is not set to always the same date  (tick) 


head-j-release -archive 18

Mifos 2.6.3Comments
Check all BIRT reports (layout of parameters window, buttons are clickable, report is generated properly)



Collection Sheet Report - does`nt generate even if date correspod to meeting date

Branch Cash Confirmation Report, Detailed Aging of Portfolio At Risk Report, General Ledger Report- no Mifos logo

Branch Progress Report - 'The parameter "branchReportDate" is required.', but all mandatory fields are filled,

Verify integrated Pentaho reports (check if all parameters can be selected, validation works correctly, report can be generated as pdf, html, xls etc., verify layout of every report)



RTF, CSV, XML - raports do not generate properly (bad layout etc)

HTML - no Mifos Logo

Check MIFOS-5882