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The examples below use end-of-day-balances and refer to the interest posting & compounding periods used.


Compounding Period: is the span of time which at the end of the interest earned over this period on the savings account balance in accumulated with the balance of the account is applicable for interest calculations in future periods. As a result the interest is compounded. The following compounding period frequencies are supported:


01 Mar 2013Deposit1200
02 Mar 2013Withdrawal100
10 Mar 2013Withdrawal400
15 Mar 2013Deposit200
16 Mar 2013Withdrawal900
18 Mar 2012Deposit200
21 Mar 2012Deposit700
31st Mar 2013Withdrawal100

Daily Balance Method

Compound Interest Forumula using in Daily Compounding:


DateUp to & (inclusive)DaysTypeAmountOpening BalClosing BalInterest on BalInterest To DateBal for Compounding(I) Posted


01/04/1330/06/201391No activity3.4080080010.077033616 13.481773247813.481773247Interest earned but not yet posted

Compound Interest Forumula


used in Monthly Compounding:

The interest earned on a savings account balance on a given end of day is calculated using the following:


titleCompounding Periods Matter

The frequency of the posting period makes no difference (or neglible difference) to the interest earned on the savings account when using compound interest. But the compounding periods do. Not the slight different in interest earned for monthly compounding versus daily.


Monthly Compounding


- Monthly Posting using Daily Balance Method




Compounded Monthly on Daily Balance

Based on 365 days in year, Nominal Annual Interest Rate: 5% and a monthly compounding period, monthly crediting period:

Daily Rate is: 0.0001369863014 ==> (0.05 x (1/365)).

The formula is: Interest = Balance x Daily Rate (DR) x Number of Days

The Balance in this case is always the end of day blance plus and cumulative interest earned in the compounding periods before hand (which in this case is previous months).


DateStarting BalEnd Of Period BalDaysInterest EarnedTotal Interest Compounded
1st Mar012001 0
2nd Mar120011008 0
10th Mar11007005 0
15th Mar7009001 0
16th Mar90002 0
18th Mar02003 0
21st Mar20090010 0
31st Mar9008001 0
  80031Total interest earned = 3.40 credited on 1st April 2013=3.397260275


There is no difference between daily compounding and monthly compounding on what interest is credited at the end of the month after rounding: 3.40

The daily compounding results in (3.404197546 - 3.397260275 =) 0.006937271 more interest at the end of the month given the example account activity.

Compounding Monthly on Average Daily Balance

Average Balance Steps

The accumulated end-of-day balance of $24,800 is divided by the total number of days in the period (31) to find the average daily balance of $800.

The average daily balance should be rounded to five or more decimals, in this case $800.00000.

The periodic interest rate would be 0.00424657534 (0.5 x (1/365) x 31)

Step 1 5.0 divided by 100 Result: 0.05

Step 2 0.50 times 1/365 Result: 0.000136986

Step 3 0.000136986 times 31 Result: 0.004246575

Step 4 0.004246575 times $800 Result: 3.397260274

Step 5 Rounded Result: $3.40

MIFOSX-412 Testcase Example

Account Activity

The transactions throughout the month on the Account:

TransactionDateAmountBalance(EOD)Number of DaysCumulative Balance
Account Activated26th Jan 201200-0
Deposit26th Jan 2012100,000100,0001100,000
Withdrawal27th Jan 2012100,000050
    6 Days


Compounded Daily on Daily Balance

Nominal Annual Interest Rate: 12% (r=0.12)

Compounding period: Daily (365 in year) (1/365=0.0027397260273973)

Periodic interest rate i = 0.12 x 0.0027397260273973 = 0.0003287671232

Posting/Crediting period: monthly crediting period (n=12)

The formula is: Interest = Balance x periodic interest rate x Number of Days

The Balance in this case is always the end of day blance plus and cumulative interest earned in the compounding periods before hand (which in this case is previous days).


The account activity breaks down into the following End of Day Balances:

Monthly Posting so we want to post interest to the account for periods (01 Mar - 31 Mar), (01 Apr - 30 Apr), (01 May - 31 May), (01 Jun - 30 Jun)

DateUp to & (inclusive)DaysTypeAmountOpening BalClosing BalInterest on BalInterest To DateBalance For Compounding


End of posting period31     3.40 to be posted 
01/04/1330/04/201330Interest Posting3.40800803.403.3082102883.308210288806.797260274
End of posting period91     10.06 to be posted 
Total122     13.46 posted 


Average Daily Balance

Average Balance Steps

The accumulated end-of-day balance of $24,800 is divided by the total number of days in the period (31) to find the average daily balance of $800.

The average daily balance should be rounded to five or more decimals, in this case $800.00000.

The periodic interest rate would be 0.00424657534 (0.5 x (1/365) x 31)

Step 1 5.0 divided by 100 Result: 0.05

Step 2 0.50 times 1/365 Result: 0.000136986

Step 3 0.000136986 times 31 Result: 0.004246575

Step 4 0.004246575 times $800 Result: 3.397260274

Step 5 Rounded Result: $3.40