- What did you accomplish this past week?
- Learning the concepts of CI/CD - setting it up for Android SDK
- Will be repo Created a repository which contains and shell script running .
- Running few commands that are responsible to take API specification file and using Swagger Codegen and convert into full-fledgece fledged code SDK
- Now just specific for client but do different customizations customization for it.
- Set up CI configuration where after each commit, CI runs in background builds, tests, whole SDK and informs if any issue
- Using Circle CI at the moment.
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- Call with Istvan Ishan later today
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- Issue for implementating implementing Kotlin core routines Coroutines in Android SDK - need to be designed discussed properly with mentor
- Contributor would like to work on implement it - Ed to review link and give advice.
- Issue for implementating implementing Kotlin core routines Coroutines in Android SDK - need to be designed discussed properly with mentor
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
- Action: still trying to get feedback from Rajan - Ed to ping him.
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- I setup Payment Hub integration in my project.
- Tried different features using the demo instance
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- Continue with Payment Hub integration.
- Explore the various features of demo instance in the app.
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- Lack of Self Service FineractCN API to create new customer account.
- Registration API of Payment Hub is not yet ready for FineractCN.
- Not able to add secondary identifiers like email ID or MSISDN
- Ed to check in on it's prioritization
- APIs for Loan and Beneficiaries are not present in FineractCN documentation.
- Errors for short name of product - not able to create new loan account.
- Some uncertainty in implementation of notifications system.
- No update from Ebenezer
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
- Yes, I surely need to get in touch with senior mentors to talk about the further implementations for Mifos Mobile CN.
- Requested a meeting with Rajan.
- Action: ed to follow up with Ebenezer
- Action: Ed to reach out to Zoltan about large connecdtor.
- Action: Ed to review Hover SDK integration
Manthan Surkar
- What did you accomplish this past week?
- Worked on Swagger-UI (nearly completed)
- Try button working
- Added feature to filter APIs to sort or search them
- About 90% done
- Added Checkstyles
- Completed integration test for audit trails
- Fixed some pending issues
- Worked on Swagger-UI (nearly completed)
- What will you do this upcoming week?
- Wrap-up Swagger-ui
- Continue work on SQL builder module
- What obstacles are impeding your progress?
- Would you like help from some mentor for this task?